Chapter 43: Letters To The Loved

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(Arie's POV)

Zaya arranged a jet for me that transported me to Italy at once. My heart was sinking further down my chest anxiously and it was ready to break through my ribs when Zaya and I were received by Vince and driven to the cemetery. We weren't in Sicily where the castle was. From what Zaya told me, we were in Portofino where Verona grew up.

          The cemetery was heavily guarded. I noticed some of Leo's cousin's leaving and walking toward their cars. They cast an amused and surprised gander my way, but all I could do was ignore each and every one of them. I wasn't here to fuel their drama-hungry asses. Curious eyes followed me as Vince escorted me and Zaya toward an exquisite mausoleum. Aria, Leo's aunt, was unable to hold back her tears and cried in Ray's arms as he guided his mother away from the structure.

          Mike walked out of the mausoleum with Valentina and stopped when he saw me. Struck with guilt, he didn't utter a word. Not even a measly hello. I didn't bother either. Holding up a defensive and bitchy front, I warded off any interaction, and nobody seemed to mind, probably pitying me for having lost a child. Lowering his gaze, Mike stepped aside and cleared the path for me to enter. Alone inside the marble structure, I relaxed my hardened features and let my emotions run wild. A casket laid for people to pay their respects to Verona before she was to be put in a burial vault like the rest of her family.

Reluctantly, I placed a hand on the polished exterior of the closed casket and almost broke down in sobs. Instead, silent tears swam down my cheeks as I remembered the content from her letter. She fought for long and endured the shit this family threw at her despite the monsters in her head. My already shattered heart was crumbling even more. These people here, many of whom always looked down on her, were now pretending to give a shit. If I could, I'd break each one of their necks.

I had an urge to hug her to my chest and apologize for the hell she had to suffer, but all I could do was die more and more inside, having my soul burn with misery and regret. The everlasting smile she always wore masked her pain so well that she never allowed anyone to sense the turmoil waging a constant war inside her. She held onto life for her son as long as she could and finally found peace knowing her Angelo was with his father now.

"I promise I will protect Lucian no matter what happens," I vowed. She suffered through hell to protect him, and I would fight just as hard for him as she did. No one was going to lay a hand on my son.

After a deep breath, I wiped my tears and walked out. Without looking at anyone, I asked, "Where are my kids?"

Ashamed, Mike didn't answer, but Vince immediately did. "With the boss, Ms. Noelle. I can take you to them right away."

I was escorted back to the car with Zaya and driven over to a classic Italian styled mansion with red roofing, beige walls, and large windows that sat on a hill and certainly gave a splendid view of the sea below. This felt like an actual home compared to the castle. Cozy and comfortable. Cars lined the long driveway all the way to the front steps and also blocked the road. Guards walked around, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity as usual which reduced its comfort.

My heart pattered like a bird trying to free its wings furiously. I wasn't ready to see Leo, but I had to face him. Was he bottling up his emotions once again or was he dealing with the loss well this time? I didn't know. The former worried me.

On my way inside the mansion, I gave Vince the piece of paper with the number the man in the basement gave me of Orel Pavlov. Since I was going to be taking up mommy duty again, someone else had to handle the interrogation and torturing. I was sure Vince had the means to get to the bottom of it.

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