nov. 29

3 1 0


"i spent the end of my summer

listening to these songs

i know you don't like."

and i'll spend so much more time

trying to unlearn how you made me feel

about liking "sad music."

the guilt

associated with playing my favorite twenty one pilots song

in my best friend's car.

it ruined your mood

your day.

the lyrics were "too sad."

and how eventually the idea of playing my music

wasn't even appealing

it just made me feel







i stopped playing music

in my best friend's car.

i stopped sitting in the front seat.

i stopped making requests.

i stopped telling you how i felt.

i only asked about your feelings

and hoped you'd wonder about mine.

i stopped feeling like you did.

i stopped.

i'm trying to get moving again.

gain momentum and get away from this.

it feels like i just

keep turning the key but the engine

won't turn over.

and i don't know why.

people keep asking.

i don't know the answers.

i don't know why i can still feel like this

when i'm so surrounded by love

and warmth

and good people.

and why i feel broken

in about a thousand different ways.

why i still expect someone to

be upset if i play "sad music."

even if they tell me

it's their taste or

they like that song, too.


i still expect to not from someone

for days

because i plated a song

in my best friend's car.

why i still expect the other shoe to drop

and rip my whole world out from under me

when it does.

i'll spend so much time

trying to unlearn the things you taught me

that have transformed into undeniable facts:

there are things inherently



with who i am

what i am

how i feel

about anything

at any given time.

other people and things and myself.

and that in order to ever love

or be deserving of being loved,

i must


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