april 13

2 1 0

upon arrival

my dizzy head spun

nauseous stomach churned

dazed eyes wide.

mist lingered over the mountains

of my thoughts.

their sheer size petrified me

and the thought of starting again

was one of hope and paralyzing fear.

the beginning came and went

permanent people faded to memories.

autumn was my spring

my time of renewal and growth

and warmth.

the days when clouds finally parted

the sun touched not only my skin

but something deeper, too.

days of cigarette smoke and deer cafes

nicotine early morning filled with quiet

glances and silent secrets.

spring has been my winter

the flowers all died

and not for lack of water.

the sun hides and a chill haunts my core.

it is simply in their nature.

it is simply in their nature.

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