jan. 30

2 1 0


"a cause of great distress or annoyance"

a scar

a scab

a sore

dark cloud

closing in

the bane of my existence

and yours, too.

stop it!


don't worry!


you're not


i'm not enough.

this is too much

i'm too much.

the bane of my existence

is this weight on my chest , this pit in my stomach

the tears in my eyes that never quite make it onto my cheeks for some reason i don't know and i can't explain and—

stop it.


don't worry!

i'm trying and i'm failing. i'm drowning here, don't you get it? i'm trying—

stop it


don't worry

don't freak out

just breathe

don't worry!

you're fine

don't worry.

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