Chapter 15

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Savannah did her routine. Coming to work in the morning and waiting for Charlie to walk in through the door with Mr. Hernandez. She'd make sure that everything was in place before that strict man came to scold her.

Charlie strolled in a few moments later, sitting in his usual place. A familiar adorable blonde curls trailing behind him. Mr. Hernandez walked straight to his office without giving any of his empolyees a slight glance.

The little boy watched curiously as he stood beside Charlie, then brightened at the sight of Savannah who was scribbling down some notes.

"You are that lady from the other day! What's your name?" The boy asked excitedly, running behind Savannah's seat, jumping up and down. He was sure, a hyperactive little blonde.

Savannah stopped doing her work, then facing him and giving a surprised smile at the adorableness. "Oh hi, Sweetie. My name is Savannah. What's yours?"

The little boy's head tilted to the side. "My name is Adrian and I am Uncle Lucas's nephew."

He held a thumbs up, grinning adorably that made Savannah wanted to pinch his cheeks. He kinda remind her of someone that she would probably get to met in a few days. Just that thought alone brought a smile into her face.

"Oh, Uncle Lucas's nephew?" Savannah grinned back at him.

Adrian happily nodded at that. "Yep, he's the one whom photo I shown to you the other day."

Savannah held her laugh at the reminder of that photo. Adrian was talking about the picture of a monkey with make up that he had shown to her a few days ago.

After that, they used their time to chat about minor things like favorite foods and color while Savannah did her work. She also made sure to help Charlie with his speaking.

Charlie had a great improvement for the past week. He had even able to speak quite fluently although it still sounded hoarse. Little Adrian also helped him, pronouncing the words with cute accent as he spelled them, adding some emphasize into certain spellings.

They had a good time together, the presence of that little boy made everything more merry. Although he was also a little prankster. Adrian put a fake snake plastic into David's table today, making him panic and run like his pants on fire.

And right now, the kid was eating cookies, putting on innocent face as he grinned secretly at David's direction, who was getting scolded by Mr. Hernandez for breaking a vase in his haste to run.

"I hope this will never happen again, do you understand?" Mr. Hernandez glared at him, putting on intimidating expression that Savannah noticed could make David trembled.

David nodded furiously, wiping his sweaty forehead. Savannah looked at Adrian who was hiding his giggle by covering his mouth. She shook her head at him, but was also satisfied that the jerk got what he deserved.

"This is the last warning," Mr. Hernandez said, walking away and slammed his office door.

David let out a sigh, grumbling some curses under his breath. Adrian grinned widely. Savannah also noticed that David was silently glaring at the little boy in his way to the office. She scoffed as he passed her table.

David would've known not to mess with the little Adrian already. No matter what he did, Mr. Hernandez would always defend his nephew.

Adrian climbed into Charlie's lap, using it as a ladder to sit on the table, in the middle of them and facing the two.

Savannah let out a surprised squeak as she felt a small cookie was shoved into her mouth. Adrian giggled, then putting the other half of the cookie in Charlie's mouth who happily accepted the treat.

Occasionally, Savannah would stop to help Charlie with writing too, since Adrian hadn't fully understand it. So, the little boy end up joining them.

Adrian was quite a fast learner that made Savannah wondered why he hadn't able to write already. Only to the little boy, she added reading words to the lesson, as Charlie had already been good at. Maybe, Mr. Hernandez didn't have time to do that? She ever heard that he sometimes stayed late in the office.

"Thank you for teaching me." He grinned, showing his neatly teeth, although some were missing. He rummaged his bag and hold out a cookie. "This is the payment. I am sorry I don't have money."

Savannah pinched his cheeks softly. He was so adorable. If she could, she would've kidnapped him. "Aww, you don't need to give me any payment, dear."

"Really?" Adrian's eyes widened, then he smiled at her. "But, this cookie is still for you, Captain."

When he called her captain, Savannah almost laughed. She had told him to call her whatever name he wanted, and she had no idea where he had gotten that from.

Savannah ruffled his hair as she took the cookie. Adrian pouted and slapping her hand lightly making her giggle. Charlie was also smiling as he ate his snack. Mr. Hernandez had made sure that he gave a huge portion of healthy snack at Charlie everyday, so that he wouldn't get hungry and hopefully, it would enhance his throat condition.

As her work time finally over, avannah gathered her things and put it inside her purse. She bid her farewell to the two of them and exited the building. No doubt that they still had to wait for Mr. Hernandez.

Savannah sighed as she remembered that she forgot to call her father today. She would make sure to call him as soon as she arrived at home.

A few minutes of walk and Savannah finally was home. She push the door open and sink herself on the sofa. It was still afternoon and she was already tired from the load of work dumped at her table in the office.

Savannah sighed as she fanned herself with her hand. She felt sticky, definitely need to get a bath fast. Savannah was about to get up when she felt someone so small jumping in her arms.

A pair of blue eyes greeted her as Savannah stared at the small child in her arms in surprise. "Amara sweetheart, is that you?"

The little girl nodded, making Savannah hug her even tighter. The girl squirmed and squealed loudly, so Savannah let go of her. She smiled at the little girl, ruffling her hair.

Amara was in the same age as Adrian, difinitely.

Lol I accidentally deleted the author's note that contain the copyright statement. I'll just put in the other part then.

And ... I think I gonna create a new humor story...

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