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So, here we are.

I want to start off by saying that I would like this book to be open and interactive. If you have a question, ask! I may answer you directly or write a whole chapter about it. Who knows. Just be respectful.

Whether you're here because you have cancer, have a loved one with cancer, are vaguely interested in the topic, or even if you're looking for first-hand information for a more realistic character/scene you are writing. As long as you keep it respectful I'm open to talk about it.

One thing to keep in mind is that every cancer journey is different, and from what I've gathered the timeline for my treatment wasn't typical.

I plan to write this book with journal/podcast type chapters where each one takes on a different topic (except the first few which will be an overview of my story). It is very likely that I will get off topic. Chapters will also deal with things that are indirectly related to cancer such as anxiety and things like that.

So this isn't a book that's 100% about cancer. It's about life, and my life happened to be interrupted by cancer.

p.s. I don't actually cuss/swear, at least not out loud, sorry to disappoint. I will probably use the stand-in words from "The Good Place", maybe "Percy Jackson," or just censor it like the title, if at all :)

F*** Cancer (stories from a twenty-something survivor)Where stories live. Discover now