9. COVID-19

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Well this is crazy.

Many people are quarantined or practicing "social distancing", good for you, welcome to the club.

I would say that I'm concerned because I am part of the high risk group due to my cancer treatment and subsequent transplant. But I'm not worried because I'm doing what I can, and that's all I can do. I hope you are all staying safe no matter if you're at "high risk" or not. Everyone is at risk.

That said, Don't Panic. This is serious, but panicking and losing your schist will only make it worse.

It's a bit odd to see all this happening. Honestly, this is what it's like to be diagnosed with cancer. Nobody really knows what's going on, how long it's going to last, if there is going to be a cure that works, when you can get back to "normal", if you'll ever get back to "normal", staying away from crowds and common areas, staying home as much as possible, not getting to see friends and family, wearing a mask every time you walk out the door because who knows what people are sick or not. Everything is up in the air.

Yeah, that's what cancer does to your life. And that's all it does if you're lucky. I withdrew from school and didn't get to go back for a year. Now that I'm thinking about it, I only got to not wear my mask for about a year before this insanity started up. Back to masks now. Man, I hope my 20's get better. Cancer and pandemic before 25, whatcha gonna do  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am fortunate enough to be safe and able to stay home for now, though this has not made finding a job easy. There are jobs available and they are all ones that I as a cancer/transplant person shouldn't be doing, and the people who are doing them should be getting hazard pay.

Unfortunately, I don't get to see my family much right now. I'm staying in the city to be closer to the hospital if something does happen (my parents live 100 miles away from the hospital) and they both have "essential" jobs which means they have to go to work every day and come into contact with other people.

All I can say is that I hope that this is over soon, but I also acknowledge that we have to play the long game. If we're dumb about it now, it will only drag this out further and more people will die unnecessarily.

If you need some good news, here's Some Good News (SGN)

The song at the top has nothing to do with anything, I just liked it and thought a light song would be good to keep it fun.

F*** Cancer (stories from a twenty-something survivor)Where stories live. Discover now