Part 1

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"I'm not getting out." I say.

"You can't stay here all day." Lisa says.

Lisa is the person who is in charge of my foster care life. She's the one who takes me to all of them. I hate every single one of them. This has been my 25th foster home in 10 years. No one ever wants to keep me. Why? Because I have attitude and I'm just trouble.

Lisa pulls me out. Good thing I was wearing my backpack otherwise she would have thrown that out, too. It has my phone and tablet in there that I was so fortunate to be able to get.

I get off the grass. Great, I'm covered in dirt. Thanks a lot, Lisa. I casually walk up to the house like I already live here. I highly doubt I'll stay for more than a week. It took about 3 knocks before anyone answered.

"Hello, I'm-" The boy, who looks around 21 starts to say.

"Don't care." I say pushing him.

"Hey! You're lucky to even be here!" He says after me.

"New, ey?" Someone asks me.

"Fuck off." I reply.

"Might want to watch your language! And your room is first on the right!" The first boy says.

Well, definitely better than my other foster homes. Not bad for a room. It's very spacious.

"Who are you?" Someone asks with a snarky ending.

I didn't respond. I don't care to talk to people here.

"So, you're just going to ignore me?" He asks.

Still no response. This guy is annoying.

"Gee, guess I actually have to-" He starts but I grab his shirt.

"My name isn't important, got it? You can fuck off now." I say.

"Let go of me first, dumbass." He replies.

"Don't ever call me a dumbass. I will kick your ass." I say.

"What is going on in here?" The 21 year old looking guy asks.

I let go of him immediately. Who cares, anyway? I'll do what I want in this house. I honestly don't give a shit.

"First of all, that's not how you treat your brothers. Secondly, I already don't like this attitude of yours." He says.

"And? Do I care? No." I reply sassily.

"You should be lucky that my boy-" He starts.

"Let's not mention that yet, Kyle." Another person asks.

"Ya'll are dating, right?" I ask.

" We're just friends. Anyway, I'm Kyle and this is Torres. We're the people who run this home. Got problems, tell them to us." Kyle says.

"Yeah, right. You guys are dating. I can just tell." I say.

"Fine, we are. You can't tell anyone else in the house, though. We don't want to announce it yet." Torres says.

"Whatever. Now, if you don't mind, can you guys like gtfo?" I ask.

"Back to that attitude of yours. Clear you don't know our rules. Torres, please explain." Kyle says.

Great. A bunch of rules that I probably already broken since entering this house. Rules are:

1) No fighting with others

2) Be nice to everyone

3) Don't talk back to us (Kyle and Torres)

4) No attitude

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