Part 3

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It's been a week since Camelia moved in and the Lee accident happened. Lee is still in the hospital, but he's not dead. I really hope he's okay. I really do.

I'm just sitting in my bedroom listening to some music and drawing when I get the call from Evan. I answer near immediately. What's the news? I hope, it's good news. Did I get the job?

"Hello?" I ask timidly.

"Hi, Cameron. It's Evan. I just wanted to say, you have the job. I have already added you into the program so you should receive all our calls. You'll be working with other digital artists. You'll also be able to see the traditional style artists' works. Everyone has an assignment for each call to do." Evan says.

"I forgot to ask, but what's the pay? What do I get out of it?" I ask.

"An easy 15$ a day. When you out of classes?" Evan asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You go to a school, right? When are you home? So, we can make sure you get on at a good time." Evan replies.

"Oh..I don't go to a school.I take online classes." I respond.

"Well, when are you done with them?" Evan asks.

"I get classes available at the same time Mondays-Thursdays. The last week, I've been done at 3:30 with my classes. Sometimes it's 4 or 4:30. Fridays-Sundays are completely open." I say.

"Okay, thank you." Evan says hanging up.

It was currently 12:30 in the afternoon, so I still have 3 hours of classes to do. I hear Torres coming up the stairs just as I got my next class. Oh, my least favorite subject. Math.

"Evan call ya back yet?" Torres asks.

"We just got off a call. Nailed the job." I reply.

"It's also been a week since y'all made that deal on the gaming PC." Kyle remarks surprising Torres.

"Jesus, Kyle." Torres says.

"Scaredy cat." Kyle says.

"You little--nevermind. Cameron got the job with Evan. Speaking of the deal.." Torres says.

"Be right back." Kyle says.

My desk is currently covered with my sketchbooks so if I did manage to get that gaming PC, they'd have to push them off. I want to see someone beat me in Apex Legends. I've been playing for a long ass time.

"You gots your PC." Kyle says.

"Really? But the incident with Lee that one-" I start.

"He kinda forced it on himself. But we want the attitude of yours to go down slightly more. Remember we can always take it away if we need to." Torres says.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you damn say." I reply.

"By the way, you need to come to the school with us tomorrow. There's an event going on, and no one is allowed home alone." Kyle says.

"Fun." I say sarcastically.

"You don't have to stay with us, but you have to come. For all we care, you can sit on your phone the whole time. Just as long as you don't run off." Torres says.

I get back to the rest of the classes so I can watch some anime or even get apex. And yes, I already got the games. They have an Xbox downstairs. I can play games like Minecraft (my favorite) and such on the laptop. Torres is allowing me to buy games on my gaming PC.

"Torres!" I hear Kyle call.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Lee." Kyle says.

"Great. What's going on with him?" I ask.

"He's coming back. Nothing got broken. He just happens to be conscious again." Kyle says to me just as Torres was there.

"Who's getting him?" Torres asks.

"I'll go. If we both go, Cameron'll have to come with us. You still have classes, right?" Kyle asks me.

"I have the rest of this last one to do. I'm in the middle of one." I reply.

"Any new drawings?" Torres asks.

"Not in my sketchbooks. I do more digital."I replied.

Kyle went to go get Lee. I finished my classes so I'm just relaxing watching some TV. Well, it's anime but whatever. I tend to make some of my OC's based off certain anime's. My OC, 'Charlie' is based off the Dragon Ball anime series. 'Lila' is based off the Naruto franchises. Basically, the majority of my drawings are in the anime style. I've also done the actual characters from the shows.

Kyle returns a couple minutes later with Lee. Lee is definitely not his usual self as he said nothing to me when he entered.

He also seems to get jealous or upset whenever Jason and I are closer together. Like sometimes, it just so happens that I have to be next to him. I don't get it. Ey, whatever.

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