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"Collar her now! I don't want this bitch shifting again!" Mason called out. Astrid had finally shifted back and passed out from wolfsbane. "Make sure its soaked in wolfsbane! She is turned silver won't do anything to her!" He saw a silver collar being brought out, and he rolled his eyes. He would have to break the human first as a slave, then allow the wolf to slowly come out, and break the wolf. He shivered in pleasure breaking both Astrid and her wolf. They were strong, and took a challenge.

Sampson had gotten word of an Alpha losing his mate, and turning rogue. He had taken several of his male mated and unmated warriors, and his beta with him. There was now reports, he was kidnapping humans, and turning them. The other Alpha's wanted to meet about how to stop this. It was said the Alpha and warriors were abusing these women physically, sexually, and mentally. Sampson couldn't imagine what that would do to the poor woman. He immediately responded that we he would attending the meeting. He called his Beta Aaron in, and they began preparations.

Astrid was whipped, she had been raped, called names, tossed around, but never physically beaten. She had a high pain tolerance, but this was insane. The collar she was wearing stung her eyes. Lucy was weakly calling out to her, apologizing. It wasn't Lucy's fault, it wasn't Astrid's fault. It was the insane men who thought kidnapping women, and turning them into a wolf, then beating them was a great ideas fault! Lucy weekly nodded. Astrid hoped Lucy would save up her strength, no growling, no healing, no nothing. That way they would surprise them when they broke free, and could run easily. Lucy hummed an agreement. "Those wound won't heal without your wolf! I'll have someone bring you down something to clean it." The man spit on her back that was split open. She could feel him retreat. She heard him walk up the stairs, and walking above her. She could hear muffled voices. She heard someone else walking down the stairs. She tensed, and gritted her teeth ready for more pain.

"Oh you dear sweet thing. What have they done to you?" She heard a soft elderly sounded man gasp. "I need to clean and bandage this, or it will get infected. This will hurt. I'm so sorry." He said, sounding apologetic. "Got it, more pain. I'm fine, just do it." She gritted out. She didn't want his pity, if he pitied her, he would get her out! He began cleaning her back, and she hissed in pain at first. Her body slowly becoming numb to pain, like normal. He bandaged her back, and sighed. "That's the best I can do. I can't believe they whipped her with wolfsbane." He muttered. "Thank you." She whispered. He took a sharp inhale of breath, and she heard him fall over. "You are still awake! How!?" He cried out. She shrugged. "I have a high pain tolerance, it doesn't make me pass out." He mumbled something, but she couldn't understand it. He just slinked back up the stairs.

She finally took in her position, and lack of attire. She was in a dark dingy basement, with her hands in chains, hooked to a nail on a frame board. She was naked, and kneeling down. She pulled against the chains, and hoisted herself up. With one swift upward and back movement, the chain fell and she was free from the frame board. She searched around the basement, and found some pieces of metal to be able to pick the shackles. She found a dirty oversized shirt as well. With some difficulty she managed to pick the lock on one of the shackles. She slipped the shirt on. She looked around more, and found a small key hidden on a nail, and decided to try it in the other shackle. It worked. She groaned inwardly, she didn't have to pick it! She found a pair of shorts, and slipped them on. She continued to explore the basement, she found something that horrified her. She found dozens of dead bodies, womens' bodies, different levels of decomposition. Different periods of transforming into a wolf, some fully human. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she gasped. How could these men have taken that many, and killed them! Lucy was right, they needed to die! She found a way to take the stupid wolfsbane collar off, but still be able to put it back on when they were here. She was going to train and kill the. "Let's do it!" She wondered why she didn't die like the others. "You have ancient Alpha blood in you, in just need activates by a wolf bite." Lucy smirked preening her fur, in Astrid's mind.

"Alpha's this is not the time to point fingers, and place blame! We all need to work together!" It was the Alpha meeting, and they were all blaming each other. Claiming it could be their mates next, and accusing another Alpha of having information. Sampson, just groaned. Why couldn't they just vote someone to lead the investigation! "That is a wonderful idea Sampson" He had said that aloud! "Yes, you did, but it worked out well." Andrew his wolf chuckled. "I nominate Sampson, he has had no aggressive rogue sightings in years, he has more contacts in the rogue world, and has a level head. On top of that he has no mate, and won't be worried about her being taken." Alpha Blackwood spoke. Sampson's head snapped to meet Blackwood's eyes. The other Alpha's hummed their agreement. Sampson was voted to lead the search effort. He understood that not having a mate kept the rogues from taking her but also meant he had double the responsibilities to his pack. He knew the girls needed rescued, and would help them. He agreed to lead the search.

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