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Astrid had been there a week. She had bruises, broken bones, wolfsbane around her neck, black eyes, split lips. She was forced to cook, clean, do laundry, split firewood. She was 'allowed' outside on a chain. She scoffed at the idea, the chain would easily be broken. She was biding her time, and letting Lucy grow stronger. Wolfsbane was affecting them, hardly at all. They would need about another week, and then Lucy would heal Astrid, and they would slaughter these men. There was 12 of them, and they would get drunk in the evenings. It gave her the perfect opportunity to take them out. She smirked at the idea.

Mason was getting frustrated. Astrid acted submissive. She flinched, she bowed her head, her body shook in my presence, but she still had her aura, it was of dominance. She hasn't broken yet, but he would break her, in the next week.

Sampson groaned. He had called in his rogue and lone wolf contacts. No one had seen or heard of anything. They were just as appalled as the packs were. They wanted him stopped, before he gave rogues a worse name. His mother had taken over her previous duties as Luna, to help him find the girls. While sitting in his office holding his head, not understanding why he was the best choice because he didn't have a mate, his phone starts ringing.

"Alpha Sampson speaking." "Hey Alpha, this is Marlow, Greg's mate. He said you asked about a group of rogues with a former Alpha turning humans?" "Hi, Marlow. Yes I did. Did he find anything, does he need any help?" Sampson worries. Marlow chuckles and says, "No, I was asked by a rogue, acted more like a doc, how the process went. Where I was bitten, what rank the person was who bit me. Claimed he was doing research into turned wolves for some scientific study. I was bitten as a child, only few people know though." Sampson inhaled sharply. "Marlow." He says sounding serious. "When was this?" "It was right after we left your pack. He said that he was traveling around the area, and he would hopefully see me around." Sampson face grew pale. His pack was known to be friendly to rogues, ask questions first, and if a rogue came close, but didn't act threatening, it wasn't even mentioned in the reports.

"Marlow, if you ever see that wolf, or any other rogue talking about turning humans, call me immediately. Promise me that you and Greg will call me if you hear anything or find anything suspicious." Sampson starts off strong but is pleading by the end. Greg and Marlow really hit it off with the pack when they came in for a month. The aren't lone wolves nor rogues. They are traveling the country, but also looking for a pack to settle in, with Marlow being turned, several packs turn them away. Sampson had a soft spot for the mated couple. "Of course we promise! Do we need to come back and help? What is going on, I'm scared!?" Marlow cried out. "Breathe Marlow. Listen, where are you currently?" Sampson was worried about her. If the rogues knew she was a turned human they may take her. "We are almost to the Lunar Eclipse pack, we were going to avoid the territory, because we already know they don't like turned wolves." Sampson left out a breath of relief. He can call Blackwood, and request them be let in, for protection, until he can get them an escort. It's a 8 hour car trip, but a week to two week walk back to his pack. "Marlow, when I hang up, I'm going to call Alpha Blackwood, and request you two to be able to stay in his territory under my protection until I can get someone to pick you to up. You two are coming home, at least until this blows over. I'll keep you two safe." Marlow mumbled her appreciation, and said goodbye. Sampson kept his word, and got permission, simply for the fact Marlow was a turned wolf, against her will as a child. Sampson let Marlow and Greg know, and set out to find someone suitable to pick them up, on a volunteer basis, of course.

"You know, I think you would make a great pet for me." Mason whispered in Astrid's ear, while gripping her hair. She had tears streaming down her face, not from pain, but simply the response when your hair is pulled so tight it tugs your eyes, and the water. She shivered in disgust at the thought of being with him or any of the others. She knew it would be her breaking point. "If you be a good girl, and willing become my pet, I'll take the collar off. If I have to force you, then I will chain you to my bed naked." He hissed in her ear, making her gasp. She could care less if he takes the collar off, but chained to a bed naked would ruin her chances of escaping. It was nearing the end of her second week of being there, and she just wanted to get out, it didn't matter how. She learned the doctor was nice. He was upset that anyone would harm his beloved turned wolf Alpha.

She learned from Lucy that she comes from one of the original werewolves, but the gene became suppressed because of mating to humans. When she was bitten she had activated the werewolf gene. The reason animals had always loved her, and listened to her, is because of the Alpha gene. The Alpha gene is dominant in werewolf or human dominant genes. Of course, she told none of this to the doctor.

"Mmm you would feel so nice writhing underneath me. Pleasuring me. You might even enjoy it too." He slid his free hand over her shoulder and down her chest. She was kneeling in the kitchen floor, he had grabbed her by the hair, while she was scrubbing the floor. She wanted to gag. "I'm going to tear him to shreds when we are ready to go. I'll enjoy his blood on my tongue, dripping down my teeth, and down my throat." Lucy growled threatening in Astrid's head. For once, Astrid agreed to this level of sadistic blood lust. He needed put down. "I'll give you a few more days to decide sweetheart. Then I'm taking your fine body, whether you agree or not!" Mason slammed her head onto the floor, while him and his men laughed.

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