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"Dad! Where are my keys!?" Elise growled. "Don't growl at me young lady. I didn't lose your keys!" Liam growled back. Elise was his daughter. Nancy and Liam had 3 kids. Elise, Elias, and Lucy. Elise was 17, Elias 16, and little Lucy was 10. "Someone looking for these?" Astrid chuckled holding a set of keys on her finger. "My keys! Thanks Aunt Astrid!" Elise grabbed the keys and raced out the door. "My best friend to the rescue again!" Liam picked up Astrid and twirled her around. Astrid laughed. "Put my mate down, before I hurt you." Sampson mumbled. "I swear you two have the weirdest relationship ever. You act like brother and sister, even after y'all have. I'm stopping there." Sampson mumbled the last part. Liam and Astrid laughed. "Not that I'm not happy to see you two, but why are you here?" Liam asked. "Want to tell him?" Sampson whispered. "I'm pregnant!" Astrid giggled. Luam face paled. "What? How? You both can't. What!?" Liam fainted. "Just wait a minute." Astrid mumbled. She was used to Liam's fainting spells, the past 19 years he has always done that. "How in the hell are y'all pregnant?!" Liam yelled coming to. "Who is pregnant?" Nancy asked walking into the room. "Oh! Hi Astrid, hi Sampson" she smiled. "My mother's cruel jokes again. My stuff was actually good, his stuff was actually good, but they couldn't connect. Thanks to human medicine, royalty slow aging, I'm pregnant!" Astrid explained. Nancy's eyes went wide. "You went to humans for help!?" Astrid rolled her eyes. "No silly! Doctor Martin did it all, but humans had to come up with the idea. He just used their research." She said in a duh tone. Nancy nodded her head, then her eyes went huge again. "Oh my God their is going to be a prince or princess! You are pregnant! Yes! Finally!" Nancy squealed.

"Push!" Martin called out. "Stop telling me what to do! I know I need to push!" Astrid growled back. Sampson wincing in pain, and how tight she was squeezing his hand. Her heard the crunch before he felt it. He whimpered at the pain. "Really?! I break your hand and you whimper, this feels worse then when I was in false heat, and you marked the bitch!" Astrid screamed pushing once again. Sampson eyes went wide. He had forgotten she felt everything. His hand was healing already. He heard the cries of his newborn. "Its a girl!" Martin cried. Handing the baby to Sampson. She had dark hair, and soft pink skin. She stopped crying when she hit Sampson's arms. "I see another head." Martin whispers. "What?! Are you sure it isn't the placenta!?" Astrid cried out. "They don't have hair." Martin muttered. Astrid pushed again, but no cries were heard. The baby was silent. "Its a boy." Martin says. "What's wrong, why isn't he crying?" Astrid asks exhausted. "He is fine, strong lungs, just not a crier." Martin replies. Sampson looks at his son. He has white hair, white eyelashes, and his eyes are purple. "He is going to be a white wolf." Martin explains.

18 years later Astrid's POV:

"Mom! Seriously, I don't need your help." Aster yells. "I always will need mom's help." David replies The twins turned 18. Aster is to take over the throne, David is taking over the pack. Neither had found their mates. My found kids I adopted are grown, gone with kids of their own, and having grandkids. When Little One found her mate, she ended up in Ireland. My heart broke that day. She video calls, but it's not the same. My daughter, Aster is too much like me. Independent, stubborn, headstrong, total Daddy's girl. David, my son, total Momma's boy. They were the only two we had. We tried again, but none of the pregnancies took. Mother said I was only meant to have two loving children. I rolled my eyes at her. I'll be 80 in earth years having another child. Just wait and see. My mother will be laughing going "you should see the look on your face!" Because Sampson and I are Royal wolves, we still don't look a day over 25. It makes for really awkward parent meetings. "My best friend!" Liam walks into the house. Carrying their newest. Him and Nancy haven't stopped. They have a year old baby, and another on the way. This will be their tenth, I think. Marlowe and Martin had three, and stopped. Their kids are grown, moved out, mated, and having babies now. Sampson's parents finally traveled the world. Which is what Sampson and I will be doing, as soon as the kids are settled into their roles. Aaron had twin girls, adorable little monsters. Not so little anymore, they are 23. "Mom, where the hell did you put my shoes!?" Aster growls at me. I smirk. I sneak up on her and feral growl at her. "Don't you growl at me child. You may be 18, and becoming Queen, but I'll still whoop you!" Her face turns pale, and she nods with a squeak.
"Still have our bluff in!" Lucy cheers. I laugh in agreement. "Where's the big bad wolf?" I hear my little one? "Little One?" I call out. "Big Bad Wolf! Momma!" She cries back and runs into my arms. Her brothers come inside. My entire family is here. I never thought I would have this. Wait, where is my mother. "Boo!" There she is. "Grandma!" Thinking back to how this all started. I was kidnapped by a deranged wolf. I was broken, and didn't have a family. Now I have six kids. "7" "I have six kids mother, stop interrupting my internal monologue, with incorrect facts. "Its 7 not 6. Well I guess 6 and a half, since you are still pregnant." My eyes widen. "You should see your face. I told you only two. Ha, got you again!" I shake my head at her. "Babe, listen. She is right. We have a 7th on the way!" I listen and sure enough, there is a little fluttering heartbeat inside me. So 7 kids, my best friend has 10 or something, I lost count of how many nieces and nephews I have. Too many. Rogues, turned, activated, lone, and half wolves have all come together. There are no more. Only packs now, under one Queen. We have jails now, took it from the humans. They also do community service. Everyone loves it. Have to say, going from abused broken human to this, never seemed possible.

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