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"None of these women are what I am looking for. Perhaps I will go to other packs." Sampson mutters, and Aaron's eyes go wide. "Wait! This one! She is perfect. No children, mate died shortly after meeting. She is sweet, she works in the orphanage. Call her in." Sampson hands Aaron the file with a broad smile. He looks at the picture. She has black hair, green eyes, fairy like features, tan skin. She could be sisters to the Queen. Aaron nods, and leaves the room.

"You wanted to see me Alpha?" Demeter pops her head in the office. She has been trying so hard to get to the Alpha. She even killed her mate, just so she would be mateless. He was a rogue, and she claimed that he had tried to attack an orphan. She played the guilt ridden she-wolf, from losing her mate to the insanity. Still it took three years of playing nice, to finally be called into his office.

"Yes, Demeter. I am sure you know that my mate died. I am seeking a she-wolf who would be my Luna. I have looked over the files, and since you have no children, and seem to be a good fit, I hoped you might take my offer." Sampson explained hesitantly. Demeter looked perfect, her voice wasn't perfect, her file said she was perfect. Andrew was hesitant, he felt like there was still someone out there for them, but understood the need for an heir. If she agrees they would give it a month trial, and see how she fits in as Luna.

"Alpha! That's a big responsibility. Would we, uhm, have to uhm, you know?" Demeter played the innocent girl. Little does hardly anyone know when she goes to the human library, she is playing with men. "Yes we would have to mate." Sampson cringes, sounding so calloused to it. He is still a virgin, and was waiting for his mate. "If you agree we would see how you fit with the Luna responsibilities, before we mate. We can even go on dates." He suggested. Demeter pretended to be thinking it over. "I guess. The pack does need a Luna. I'm honored you have chosen me." She sighed. "You chose your pack over your mate bond. That shows incredible strength." She nodded. "Let's get you started with some of the Luna stuff. Shall we?"

"He has found a potential. He just called me. I'm only telling you, to prepare yourself for when they mate." Samuel told Astrid. She nodded numbly. "Is it hot in here?" She asks, suddenly feeling like the temperature rose ten degrees. "Maybe a little. The stress is getting to you. Go lie down. I'll call Liam to look after you. Those Alphas didn't go easy. Stupid bigots. Demanding your plans to integrate rogues, lone and turned wolves." Astrid nodded, still feeling hot and unwell.

"Astrid, are you okay? Samuel said you were feeling hot." A worried Liam burst through her door. "I am feeling hot, I'm sweating." She sighed, frustrated. "Let's get you a cool shower." Liam helped her. She nodded. Liam started the shower for her, and left for her to strip and get in. He grabbed her clothes, and underwear. This wasn't the first time the stress had gotten to her, and she had overheated. Over the year Liam and Astrid had become best friends. Sleeping most nights together, and spending free time together. Liam knew all of Astrid secrets, and fears. Astrid now knew all of Liams, including being rejected.

The week flew by, and Astrid had been feeling better about the rejection, but still having hot flashes. Everyone was getting increasingly worried.

"This week has been fantastic." Demeter exclaimed. "You have done exceptionally well with the duties as Luna. I think this is working." Sampson sighed. He liked Demeter. She was sweet, caring, charismatic, a good cook. "I have a confession, Alpha." Demeter tried to make herself look innocent. "Demeter, call me Sampson. What is it?" He sighed, she had refused to call him his name. "I really want to kiss you Sampson." Demeter purred. Climbing into his lap. Sampson had been having hot flashes all week. Now, with a gorgeous she wolf in his lap, purring that she wanted to kiss him. He was erect, with the heat ten times worse. He wanted all of her. Andrew was craving to dominate the she wolf. He crashed his lips onto hers, and she moaned into his mouth. This kiss was dominating, and hard. He didn't want to be gentle. Demeter knew what was happening. Since the first day, she had been slipping him pills, to make him go into a heat like state, and herself. She didn't want to wait the month, she struggled with the week. She would run this pack, the way she wanted.

"Liam! Help!" Astrid cried out. It was the worst pain imaginable. Her mate was mating another already. The hot flash was ten times worse, her clothes drenched in sweat. "Astrid, it almost smells like you are in heat!" She growled at that. She couldn't go into heat. She was barren, Lucy already informed her, their womb was no good, and heat would never happen. Liam's eyes darkened with lust. "Liam, he is betraying me. This is his heat, not mine. Please make it stop." She cried, collapsing to the floor. Liam scooped her up, and carried her to her room. He called female maids to come help, but their eyes too darkened with lust, and they licked their lips. "What the bloody hell! You are mated and straight!" He screamed at them. "Beta, it's a false heat. To attract mated, nonmated, straight, gay, bisexual, any wolf." Astrid screamed out. The pain from the heat, the pain from the betrayal. Then she felt it. He marked her. It had been a week and a half, and he marked another. Her back had been arched. And she collapsed on the bed whimpering. Lucy whimpering inside her. They let out a sorrowful howl, the loss of their mate. The heat continued. Liam pushed out the she wolves, when they began clawing to get into bed with their Queen.

"Liam, make it stop. Please. Please make this stop." Astrid begged. Liam was across the room. His breath ragged from trying to control himself, and keep from taking her. "Astrid, the pain won't stop. Not until you have sex with someone." He growled. "I shouldn't be in here. I'm losing control." He growled deeper. "Liam I trust you to not hurt me. Make it stop, please. Just this once, please make it stop. I understand what that means." She cried out. Liam immediate stiffened. "What are you saying?" He growled, his eyes black. "Take me Liam. Make the pain stop. Have sex with me. I trust you." She begged. "We shouldn't. We both talked about this." She growled, and got up from the bed. She was on her way to the bathroom, when arms round around her waist. "What are you doing, sweetheart." He whispered huskily in her ear. "I was going to take a shower, and relieve myself." She whispered back. His hands sliding over her stomach, between her breasts, and up to her neck. "Why do it yourself when I can help you? I won't have sex with you, but I will get you out of pain." He gripped her neck, and she moaned. He flipped her around and pinned her to the wall.  Kissing her with force and fervor. She moaned into his mouth. The only time she ever allowed herself to be out of control was in the bedroom.

"We are going to have to go all the way, aren't we? To get you out of pain. Whatever he took, I'll kill him for putting you in this pain." Liam grunted. He had relieved her multiple times, but the pain never went away. It lessened but came back with vengeance. She could feel her mate, happy and satisfied, no trace of heat left. "Liam, it will go away on it's own. I won't take that from you." She cried out. She knew Liam was still a virgin, that's why he didn't want to go all the way. He smirked. "Who can say they lost their virginity to the Queen? It would be an honor if you took it." He undid his belt, and dropped his jeans, and boxers to the floor. He kissed his way up her body. He slid into her, moaning loudly. He had never felt anything so incredible in his life. She matches his moan. The pain finally lessening, just from his entrance. She would finally be rid of this pain, she just hoped Liam wouldn't regret this, or it change their friendship.

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