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"Dad?! What are you doing here?! I thought you and Mom were in Greece or something." Sampson was startled by his Dad's appearance in the corridor. He didn't know he was here.  His dad grunted, almost growled. "Your mother and I are the Queen's advisors." His dad didn't sound the same. He was cold towards Sampson, and he didn't understand why. "Dad, what is going on? You don't sound the same." He tried to touch his dad, but his dad side stepped him. "My loyalty is to my Queen." His dad turned on his heel, and stormed away. Sampson looked towards the Royal Beta. "My loyalty is to the Queen, as her Beta and Protector." He growled. Sampson didn't understand what was going on. Did they think he was trying to take the crown from her?! He wouldn't! It was hers by birth and she earned it. Sampson was left dumbfounded in the corridor.

"Sampson, your father mind linked me. You read the file." His mom was still the soft spoken, kind hearted woman. He sighed in relief. He nodded his head. "She was beautiful mom. She would have made a perfect Luna for me and the pack." His voice sounded broken. His eyes still puffy from crying. "She was gentle, kind, caring, sweet, helpful. The pack records say that no one could say a bad word about her. She was perfect." His mother hummed. "I'll show you to your room." She was still soft spoken, but inside she was raging. He was crying over someone he never met, yes he was her son, but Astrid was her daughter, how dare he not think of her. She has done everything for him, yet all he can talk about is his first mate he never met! She was livid, her wolf was livid.

"Thank you all for coming. I understand I am not what you expected, however, I hope we can all come together and work for the best of our kind." Astrid spoke her final words to the Alphas. The rest of the evening passed by in a blur to her. She couldn't keep focused. Her wolf was upset, she had agreed with Astrid that Sampson and Andrew needed to be tested. Lucy was whimpering that they hadn't come back for Astrid. She hadn't felt Andrew reach out for her. She helped Astrid build more walls. They had agreed for every hour he stayed away, another wall to be built between them. The bother understood he lost a mate, but Lucy was more understanding than Astrid. Astrid had been with their mate, Lucy had not. She had no desire to know him, because she had a mate now, that was alive. Yes, she listened to Astrid speak of how he loved her, and cared for her. He cherished her, and would have Lucy as well. Now Lucy wanted her living mate to do the same. Yet, he was sulking over a mate that he never met. Lucy had gone through Astrid's memories, and lived through all the pain Astrid had endured. She wanted to know why her human was so closed off and bitter. She understood, and wanted to help Astrid keep from getting hurt. While going through the memories, she lived through their human mate. He was kind, understanding, patient, loyal. He helped Astrid by letting her open up again. Now, the wild that should be doing that is off sulking, and crying.

"I never thought Sampson would fail that test." Marlow spoke beside her. "What do you mean?" Astrid questioned. "He was so damn determined to find you, his mate. I never thought he would even second glance at that file." Marlowe shook her head, and walked into her mates arms. Astrid and Lucy's heart ached for that. Another hour had passed, and another wall built.

It was breakfast in the morning before Sampson awoke. He was woken by a maid. "Sorry, Your Highness, but it is time to wake up." She chirped. "Were you forced to work in this position, or did you want to?" He responded. She looked taken aback. "My Queen never ever forces anyone. How dare you question her. You are lucky you are under her protection, or I'd rip your tongue from your head. Ungrateful, stupid Alpha blood." She stormed out of his room, leaving him perplexed. He just wanted to know what kind of person she was. He hadn't expected that kind of response. He guessed she was a good person if the maid was ready to rip his tongue out for even asking that question, even though he was an Alpha.

"Do you think our first mate would have loved us?" Andrew asked quietly. "Of course she would have. She was our mate!" Sampson responded. "I wish we could have met her. She sounded so wonderful in that file. I'm glad Astrid have us that file. So we could know our mate. I wish we could have at least smelled her once." Andrew sounded so at peace. Sampson hummed his agreement. He needed to thank Astrid for the file. Not too many she-wolves would have done that. Gone out of their way, to find out who their mate's previous mate was, and give them a file on her. He was glad he has such a compassionate mate. He was curious as to why he was in a seperate room from her though. He knew she wasn't pure, because she had been married to her human mate. Maybe she was just giving him space to mourn his first mate. He was also curious as to why the Beta, and his Dad were so cold to him.

He had used his nose to find the dining hall. He expected his mother to bring him to breakfast, or a maid, but no one was there. Entering the dining hall everyone stopped speaking and looked at him, except his mate. She didn't even stop eating. There was an empty seat beside her, the only empty seat. He took the chair, and the maid who woke him up slammed a plate down, in front of him. "Aria, play nice." Astrid tsked at her. "I apologize for my rude behavior. I don't take kindly to people questioning her majesty. She gave me a home, a pack, a family, and a purpose." She hissed. Everyone took a sharp intake of air at her hissed response. Sampson felt eyes on him, but still not hers. "Thank you, for the information, Aria." Astrid responded calmly. Internally Lucy was livid, how dare he question her. He had no right.  Samspon looked like a guilty puppy. The maid had thrown him under the proverbial bus. "Excuse me. We will adjourn later to discuss the matters of turned and rogues." Astrid excused herself. Liam following her. Sampson went to follow but a hand stopped him. He saw his father glaring at him. He looked to see everyone glaring at him. What had he done so wrong!

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