City Lights

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I have been so lonely. I don't know why I suddenly felt like I am alone, even though I have the love of my life beside me, my dog, my family, my friends, EXO. Everyone around me, loves me, so I can't figure out why I felt to sad.

My phone has been ringing, yet I don't have the energy to answer it even if it only takes a swipe.

The whole place is dark, and the only light that keeps me on seeing a part of my room is coming from my laptop screen. Papers are scattered everywhere, some are crumpled, some are not and some are clear or has pen marks and writings.

Few weeks left and I'm finally graduating, but all the projects piling up isn't helping. I'm doing them all in time and that's when my problems arises, they come one after another until I got stuck on this one, causing my stress. I have been doing it alone, maybe that is why I suddenly felt lonely.

I started sobbing for an unknown reason, leaning my crossed arms on the edge of my bed and placed my head down on it as I cried even harder. I am so tired, I think I can't do this anymore.

My loud sobs echoed all over my apartment, making it hard for me to hear that someone's entering my door password. Suddenly, a ray of light coming from outside entered and followed by a figure of a man I have been dying to see.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Baekhyun hurried his way towards me, hoisted me up on my feet and cleared my face from all the hair strands sticking on it because of my tears.

"I can't take this anymore, Baek. I'm tired!" I screamed and cried even harder. Baekhyun made a soft 'shh' sound and wrapped his arms around me and guided my head to lean against his chest, letting me hear his heartbeat, my favorite melody. "I can't do it."

"No, you can, baby. You just need to relax." he ran his palm up and then down on my back, soothing me down as I relax against his touch.

Baekhyun helped me to sit on my bed before going out of my room a bit to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. He handed me the glass of water and I drank it before he sat beside me and began stroking my hair.

"Are you calm now?"

I nodded quietly, looking down on my feet. Baekhyun grasped my chin softly, pulling my face gently to meet his eyes, then he slowly closed the distance of our faces and pressed a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Next time, when I call you, make sure to answer okay? You don't know how worried I am, knowing you are a graduating student and has a lot of tasks to finish. A lot of things might happen when you're alone and stressed, babe."

"I'm sorry." tears started to flow out of my eyes again. Baekhyun wiped them using his thumb before kissing my forehead.

"I'm also sorry for not being able with you and for not seeing how stressful your last weeks in university. But I'll try my best to help you."

I said nothing and just wrapped my arms around Baekhyun, hiding my face on the crook of his neck. His hands went on my waist, holding me tight before lifting me up until I straddled on his lap. Then his hands came running up and down on my back once again, calming me down even more.

That went on for awhile until I'm completely calm and decided to give Baekhyun a kiss on his soft lips.

"Get your coat, I have something to show you."

I grabbed my coat and followed Baekhyun on his car. I didn't asked questions and just slid inside and let Baekhyun hit the road.

He couldn't keep his hand on the steering wheel and held mine as the other one drove, pressing kisses on the back of my hand every minute that melted my heart. How could I not notice that Baekhyun has been the person I needed the most while I am stressed out because of those school works? What did I do to deserve a guy like him?

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