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Baekhyun birthday countdown: D-2

City Lights: 2/6

Kinda 18+? As sexy as the song mentioned above. If you're uncomfortable with it or you're still a babie please skip!

Still no smut tho. I warned for the words used, some scenes and the whole fuck buddy concept.


It's crazy how we do almost everything for the sake of love, even the thing you couldn't imagine you could actually do.

What I did for loving someone, isn't risking my career to date him in secret. Heck, I'm not even dating him but we're in a worst arrangement in my entire life.

I have always been an EXO-L before I got scouted to join SM entartainment. While I trained hard to become a star, I looked up to EXO. They were my inspiration to continue until I sucessfully debuted with my group. They took care of me, helped me and my group on our way to stardom. They are the best seniors I've ever had who taught us everything about being on stage and showcase everything we got.

Literally growing up with EXO, I've always seen them as babies trapped inside a man's body when they're offstage. Especially Baekhyun. They liked playing around, being loud and eat whatever they wanted to. While EXO members took turns on giving advices to us, Baekhyun has the most heart-touching words and that kind of advice that makes a mark on my mind. As he said every encouraging words with his eyes soft and roaming around my members' faces and then stopping to lock into mine, I couldn't help but admire him. His words, his gaze, the way his lips closes and opens, and his whole being. Ever since, I've always looked up to him as a good senior with soft and adoring personality.

Not until I got exposed to being an EXO-L.

No one knows about it except my members. I didn't told EXO that I was their fan for them not to feel uncomfortable around me. So when the rest of the world knew about me being an EXO-L and a Baekhyun biased one (thanks to netizens who dug up my past) Baekhyun started teasing me. Shoving it up to my face how much I like someone like him and being annoying about it. His eyes stopped being soft on mine and his sweet smile everytime he looks into me changed into a dirty smirk that I once find sexy when he's performing on stage but now very offensive. That didn't last long tho, we eventually became best of friends to the point that everyone thought we're dating.

Baekhyun continued teasing me amidst our adorable friendship, but they seemed improving. From words to actions. I could feel his hand touching wherever he could reach when we're standing next to each other on the same place. I tried not to react, thinking he just accidentally brushed his hand because we all know the man couldn't stay still even for a second. His accidental touching turned something more when we're alone. He'd touch me somewhere I'd slap a man if one ever does that, but he's Baekhyun. My bias, my bestfriend, my love. So I let him, even though I don't know why he does that.

His intentions were spilled when we got drunk after a party that SM hosted. I could still remember how he asked that question, I was straddling him, our sweaty bodies against each other as we catch our breaths. I had my head resting on his shoulder and his hand caressing my back lovingly.

That very night, I agreed to be EXO Baekhyun's fuck buddy when he asked me to be so. All because I love him and I'm desperate to be loved back. Even if the infamous no strings attached comes with the pleasurable agreement.

At day, everyone sees us as the most adorable pair of bestfriends. Who would ever find out what we actually do when we stay up. In his place, mine, or everywhere as long as we're comfortable to fuck each other. Nights are for pleasure, and it's worth it because it's with Baekhyun.

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