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"I told you, Baekhyun, that is not what you think it is!"

"That's final, Y/n. You're not going to see Taeyong, again. It's not because I'm jealous, I just wanted you safe."

"Argh! Why do you have to be this asshole?!" I gripped on my own hair and pulled it out of frustration. "How could you told me to stop meeting my friend for a project when I didn't do something at all! It's all in your head, Baekhyun!"

"I told you, it's not because I'm jealous over Taeyong. You nearly died, Y/n!" Baekhyun raised his voice at me, which is what I hated the most! He realized what he had done and he breathed out a heavy sigh and was about to open his mouth but I spoke first.

"Don't talk to me." I glared at him for the last time before walking pass him to go inside my room.

I plopped myself on the bed, hid my face on the pillow to let out the scream I have been holding back.

Baekhyun was jealous of my friend Taeyong because we were working on a project for our work. We have been spending time to finish the task as soon as possible. But someone who's so bitter from the fact that I'm dating Baekhyun had told my boyfriend that the project is just an excuse so I could spend more time with Taeyong, the one who I'm cheating with Baekhyun. That is according to one of those girls who were bitter that Baekhyun didn't fell in love with them and chose me instead.

Last week, while furnishing the remaining flaw of our project, I got hurt that I it almost killed me and Taeyong didn't know what to do and had called Baekhyun to come and save me. Ever since that day, Baekhyun never let me go on meetings with Taeyong again and I was fine with it since the project is already done and we're only waiting for the day of its submission. But Taeyong called earlier that something went wrong and he can't do it alone so I told Baekhyun that I'm going to meet him again. My boyfriend obviously didn't wanted me to go since all he think is that I might be cheating, or I get hurt again, or most probably because he is jealous over Taeyong's existence.

Jealousy has been the reason of our fights, may it be a small or big fight that we ended up not talking for days. Baekhyun gets jealous so easily for nothing and that made me think that he doesn't trust me at all. If he trusted me, why would he get jealous over small nothings and believe on those who told him I'm cheating? I love Baekhyun and I will only love him. But sometimes I feel like he's imprisoning me with his jealousy instead.

Noticing that he's starting to get into my nerves and his presence right here inside our apartment isn't helping, I got up and grabbed my coat before hurriedly walked out of the room. Baekhyun was seated on the couch, when he noticed that I got out, his head turned to me and his eyes followed my steps until I reached the door. I held on the door knob and even before I could twist it, Baekhyun spoke.

"Y/n, I love you."

Even when he can't see my face because I had my back facing him, I still rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Baekhyun." then I opened the door and stepped out of my apartment, not even feeling guilty as made my way outside the building.

I decided to walk my way towards my favorite cafe, to at least calm myself a bit. It was kinda effective since I'm starting to feel less angry.

I reached the cafe and the first thing I noticed is a young girl, around 9 or something else. She's crying outside and seems hesitant to enter the shop. She would pace towards the door and then turn her back against it only walk away for few meters and then walk towards it again. She was also sobbing really hard so I decided to approach the poor girl.

"Hey there, is there a problem?" I asked as soon as I approached her. The girl stopped pacing and looked up to meet my eyes, her eyes are starting to get puffy.

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