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Ever since I was in college, I really have planned to stay single for the rest of my life. I can't see myself getting married, have children and such. I just wanted to have a job, earn money and spend it travelling all over the world with my friend who has the same plan as mine. Be alone until forever.

Falling in love was never in my list.

I've never been in a relationship ever since I learned about it and I thought of staying single for the rest of my life? A lot of people disagreed with this idea of mine. My family would always tell me to think about it deeply and would explain how beautiful it feels to have your own family and have children.

Ugh. I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night with a baby crying so loud.

My friends, who's currently dating while studying would tell me their plans of marrying their partner and even told me that I'm invited to their wedding. After college, they did got married with the ones they dated and I was there to witness their union.

But I was also there with my friend to give advice and comfort when they fought with their partners.

See? Getting married is a pain in the ass. I'm a sensitive type of person. If I were to get married, and my husband and I got into an argument. He'd make me cry for hours with a mere rising of his voice at me. I don't want that. I don't want to run into my friend's house at 2 AM because my husband got angry at me for hanging out with my friends and thinking I cheated on him.

Having kids is another pain in the ass. Well it's literally a pain, but not in the ass when you give birth. Seeing some of my friends who gave birth to their child being in pain, I think I can't handle it if I were to be in their place. And children are troublesome. They make mess, throw a fit, and even won't let you sleep.

No thanks, I'm fine being alone. Even until my last breath.

Of course, even though I have vowed to stay single for the rest of my life. I can't die without knowing what it feels to date and have sex.

Now that I have finished my studies, have a stable job and have earned enough money to waste for my pleasure. I can do anything I want to and date freely. Even when I have told everyone that I don't have any plans to settle down and get married back when I was in college, I must admit, that I was curious what is it like to be in a relationship. The only thing holding me back on dating besides my plan to stay single is because of a heartbreak, caused by my recklessness and by someone who almost became mine. Also, it was because I'm still studying. Now I'm not so might as well give it a try.

I let myself be drowned in the sea of people grinding their bodies against each other, following the tempo of the loud upbeat music playing through the speakers.

"Come on, Si-ah!" my friend, who has been trailing behind me, growled when I yelled her name. She doesn't like being in a place full of people and would rather stay at home 24/7. But since we're talking about me, a childish human being who gets drunk easily and gets super clingy every time, she can't leave me alone. Embarrassing myself and having to tell me every embarrassing things I did is the last thing she wanted to do.

"Y/n, let's go home. You're drunk."

"No I'm not."

I moved my hips from side to side and then jumping up in down while screaming nonsense words. Si-ah's voice faded as I continued dancing, leveling up my moves by grinding my back against someone else's back. They'd respond with the same move I did and we'd laugh at each other.

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