Chapter III

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Timmy drowsily forced his eyes to open, moaning from the bright sun flashing on his face.
As he blinked away the sleep, he realized his ankles were soothed with some kind of relief ointment.
"Hello?" Timmy called, his voice raspy from sleep. Almost immediately, he saw a delicate pair of fluttering wings flap their way over to the boy. Timmy smiled weakly.
"Naldi." The boy whispered. Naldi smiled slightly, placing her hand on his head, moving his rosy hair out of his face.
"Hi Timmy." Naldi silently greeted, smiling as she brushed his hair softly and pressed her white feathery wings against her back.
As they repeated this motion for about an hour, smiling and stroking each other's hair, Bimbo Finely, the most educated doctor in South Hospital, came over to the bedside.
There's four different hospitals, the North Hospital that's in the north, the South Hospital that's in the south, the West Hospital that's in the west, and the East Hospital that's in the east.
It's different in every hospital. The South Hospital has weaved grass beds, soft flowers as bedding, branches swaying themselves around each of them as seating areas, and trees standing guard in front and behind the beds. The North Hospital
has non-melt able frost bedding, delicate thin ice as the bed with snowflakes dotted as decoration, a carpet of snow as the pillows, ice sculptures carved into resting chairs, and ice trees surrounding the beds. The East Hospital has extremely dark trees-that has shades of black-planted in front of the neatly nested, brown, soft leaves outlining the squishy moss known as bedding. As well, the black shaded trees thick branches swoop down to the ground, transforming a floating tree countertop with oak wood stools. And lastly the West Hospital. They have soft grass blocks building up each bed making a wall that's about four squares high, tree stumps as waiting chairs, leaves molded into a firm blanket as the countertop, and a giant grass dome made of grass and dirt and flowers crumpled together into one large mob of nature.
In the Good World, you need to be highly skilled in the nature, because buildings here are made up of nature. Everything, literally, made of nature, which makes it one of the most amazing places you'd see in your life.
"How are you feeling, Timothy?" Bimbo Finely, head doctor of South Hospital, asks, checking his clipboard and flipping through papers with his glasses near the tip of his nose.
He had gray and white strands of hair outlining a bald spot square in the middle of his head, a white lab coat, white elf-like shoes with those little cotton balls wobbling at the narrow ends, and his elegant wings made of pure white feathers slipping through the Wing Slits, the wide holes that you place your delicate flappers in.
"Please, call me Timmy, and I'm doing well, thank you." The boy responded, smashing his head back against the softened grass of a pillow. Bimbo nodded, turning around and swiftly fluttered away, still bobbing his head.
As he carefully made his head back over to meet Naldi's eyes, to notice she was blankly staring at a log stump.
"What?" He asked worriedly, his voice vibrating from the new fog pushing through the thick, swirled trees. She just grabbed his hand, ignoring his question, and forced him along with an arm slung over his slumped shoulders.
"Where are we going?" Timmy questioned, glancing at Naldi's face that was only inches away from his. She didn't feel the need to respond, so she just half carried, half dragged her clumsy friend into the tall, sticky grass sprinting on the ground, flowers racing after them, only a few less.
When they came to a field of tall, sprouting sunflowers, Naldi shoved his to the ground, pouncing on top of him and pinning him to the ground with her strong hands.
"Naldi!" Timmy groaned, shaking vigorously. Her hands pushed harder, making a dent in the dirt, her knucklrs white, clenching his wrists with all her strength. Naldi's face was a blanket of seriousness, staring deeply in his eyes, begging him to stop struggling. As Timmy seemed to get the message, he slowly calmed his heavy breathing, relaxed his muscles and laid down on the grass.
"Listen." She whispered, lifting her chin and flashed her head right to left, then narrowed it down inches away from his face. "Something terrible's coming, Timmy." She says, staring truthfully into his eyes. He sensed a dot of fright rising inside both him and his friend, knowing that he will be the one attracted to it.
"What do you mean?" Timmy stuttered as Naldi's released his wrists, brushed the dirt of her wings and hands, then helped yank Timmy on his feet. Now, they were crouching under the undergrowth.
"Camilla got a prophecy, or though she thinks." Naldi muttered, curling a strand of her brown hair over her ear. Camilla is the head Peace Needed warriors. She has black steel armor, heavy metal gloves, a giant iron sword that has the power to reflect sunlight into an enemies limbs, burning it, she has a small, tall pouch full of arrows and a bow slung over her shoulder. Her army boots are made of bulletproof, brown leather, and her hair? Let's just say it's a mix of ginger and brown.
Naldi glanced back through the tall grass, it's weeds swirling up to the clear blue sky. Although knowing someday something treacherous with happen, these beautiful plants will be crinkled and falling to the dirt.
"You were in the dream, and their were those solider peopl-" "Golden Ropes?" Timmy interrupted, almost bursting out the name. Naldi widened her eyes sternly, telling him to stay quiet.
"Yeah, those." She grunted, rolling her eyes, annoyed. "Anyways, the Golden Rope demon murderers were surrounding you, and then this ugly creature that had three heads, a giant one placed in the middle, and two smaller ones on each shoulder, one eye as big as a basketball, no nose except for tiny holes on its dull purple skin, black lips, delicate elf-like ears, two tails with these weird looking cords hanging off them with large flappy skin at the end, giant muscular legs, four tiny little arms, claws as large as a textbook, and as long as bowling pins!" She huffed in a hushed voice, catching her breath as she kept going.
"Beside him was an old rotten corpse mummy thing with a giant needle with aqua liquid splashing inside its form." Naldi added, a confused look plastered on her face. Almost immediately, Timmy knew who both of them were.
"Pit and Lord Zeppelin.." He whispered, staring blankly at the ground. Naldi glanced at him, worried.
"What'd they do to you?" She demanded, forcefully slapping her hands on his shoulders and clenching them tightly. The boy winced.
"Nothing! Nothing." Timmy explained, shrugging her hands off. He glanced at Naldi, knowing she wasn't convinced.
"I've heard of Zeppelin, but never seen him in my life. I also know only Camilla and Queen Suva have met him. But I do know Pit Atkins. I met him in this foggy room, in a rocking chair. With a rocking horse named Coreia! It was weird." The boy bursted out, calming himself.
"Huh, that's strange. One of our white kingdom horses was named Coreia." She explained, squinting one eye and keeping the other open in a weird look.
Timmy glanced at her, starting to get nerve racked about the rocking horse,
"Who are they?" Naldi asked, interrupting his thoughts and coming closer to his face and staring desperately into his eyes.
"Pit is the captain. Captain of the Golden Ropes. Lord Zeppelin is the ruler of everything in that nightmare place, he even made the dark magic." Timmy softly murmured, pushing Naldi back a little since she was only centimeters away from his face.
"Wait, what? Dark magic?" Naldi questioned, spreading her wings, stretching them. They were small, but one day she'll probably have the most elegant wings the City of Peace has ever seen.
"Dark magic? Where deaths were born?" Timmy questioned, shaking his head slowly in trying to make Naldi understand. She only repeated him for a couple of seconds, noting she doesn't get it. He sighed.
"Dark magic is somewhere far, and I mean far away, I heard that it's locked inside a solid gold cage, engulfed with guards made of steel with pointy helmets. It's area is a dungeon type thing with crumbling black rubbish, giant cones of faded sand on the walls, ceiling, and floor. They also have an extremely powerful dragon. It has many spikes poking out of its head, razor sharp teeth, yellow eyes strained like cats, and wings that have horns outlining the edge. They're somewhat a mixture of red and black, or different types of shades." The boy explained. Naldi nodded in fascination.
After a couple minutes they got up and were ready to head back.Then out of no where, the ground started shaking, disturbing the dirt and making a circle with a tiny hole in the middle. Timmy's eyes widened.
"What's that?" Naldi asked, leaning her head over to examine the shape, squatting down.
Timmy stared intently at her, a hint of terror rising inside him as he felt the ground shaking vigorously, almost knocking him off his heels.
"It's the Bad Worlds symbol." The boy whispered, placing his hand on the circle and spreading it across, erasing the symbol quickly.
"What does it mean?" She questioned anxiously.
"It means they're coming. It means they're up to something. It's a warning to get ready.." Timmy trailed off, gulping down a chunk of saliva sticking to the back if his throat.
"Ready for what?" Naldi shouted, anticipating the moment, only to she her tongue fall in her throat, her pupils dilating in fear as he says those three words..
"Ready for war."

Two Worlds - The Secrets Within (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now