Chapter VI

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Timmy blinked in confusion. Then he sighed sadly, slipping his hand off her. Her eyes were puffy and red, eyelids drooping and her lips quivering.
"I'm not going to die." Timmy reassured her in a hushed voice. The boy heard Naldi gasp in shock at what Queen Luna said. Then he could hear the loud footsteps stomping towards them over.
"He will never die unless we protect him." Naldi spat, almost forgetting she was an ice cube, and joining Timmy's side and wrapping an arm around his waist. Queen Luna shook her head repeatedly, hiding herself in her hands. The boy sighed.
"Why do you think I'm going to die?" There. He said it. Now he could find out if she knew about the war coming. Wait. Am I going to die while fighting? What would happen then? I can't die! Timmy thought, freaked out at the thought of his imagination vanished for life. Even though their were nightmares, death, and horrors haunting him, there were also happy, magical, sweet people trying to give him dreams. He didn't want to lose his blessing. Although he certainly wanted to lose his curse.
"A prophecy." Queen Luna whispered, her eyes going to another world again. This caught Timmy's attention. A prophecy? From who? He wondered, pushing the thoughts to the back of his head and deciding to ask them with his voice.
"From who?" Timmy softly mumbled, his voice bubbly with encouragement, trying to snap her out of her state. Queen Luna glanced up at him, tear marks streaming down her face as she looked frightened at what she was about to say.
"Her." She muttered, almost threateningly. Timmy was taken aback by what she said. Her? Her.. Her! He instantly remembered the name as it started to sink in. Her was a professional warrior who had a sword with mighty power. She would point it at the sky, the light beaming off of it, making it dazzle like Queen Luna's wings. But when she put it next to her face, there was a dragon that showed on the sword, making it seem as if she was half dragon. In fact, she was. Her was a dangerous weapon, given the quest from Lord Zeppelin to kill every living thing in sight past that border. Although as she took her sword with her, the light sunk into it so much, she turned into a dragon completely, puffing fires on the Bad World, stomping on citizens, and destroying houses to rubble. After that, Lord Zeppelin cast a spell on her, forcing her to turn human again. That's when she was going into custody. They tied a rope around her stomach, pinning her to a wooden cross that already seemed badly burned, fading to ashes, but strong enough to hold one more person. Her. As they forced nails into her hands and feet, connecting them to the worn down wood, They placed her glimmering sword in front of her. It was an ancient dragon sword. It had a sharp edge, curving into another smaller blade at the bottom. The handle had dragon wings spread across as a symbol, small carved dragon heads connected to them. There are multiple circles looping like an eight, but longer, crawling down to the tip of the stubby handle. As they took a large piece of wood and lit it, making it burst into flames, they threw it on the cross, making the fire trail its way and touching her delicate tannish skin. That's when the cries of pain broke the sizzle of flames. Her amazingly designed armor on her body melted, burning her skin to red flesh. Her brown, straight hair with a shaved side turn to a crisp black, her brown eyes rolled into her head, and the sword melted into a silver liquid flooding down the hill where the cross was planted. When they listened and waited, they heard nothing, predicting she was dead. That's when they toke water and splashed it on the cross, making the flames vanish and the cross fall to ash. And that's when Her came back. Her eyes were blazing with anger as she shifted her hand towards the sword, making it reappear in her hand, her skin turning back to tan, her hair brown, her eyes drowning in dark chocolate. But she vanished.
She's a Rebel now. She lives somewhere far, in the hills or in the mountains, but legend has it, she's been training dragons for revenge on both worlds.
"She was in your dream?" "Prophecy." Queen Luna corrected slowly, letting the word sink in. Timmy nodded, biting his bottom lip and sighing.
"What.. happened?" Naldi urged on, grabbing a wobbly stool and sitting down in front of the queen, scooting into a position she felt comfortable, hugging her knees to her chest.
"She came to me. Saying she was planning a curse. Using a dragon sword, a different one. One she made. A blue one. With an aqua pearl in the center. It's a sword, but it doesn't look like one. There's a wing type cross, one side pure dark blue and the other blinding light blue. The middle is a natural blue though, a mix of dark and light. Her said it has dragon carved tails in a band of metal as the blades, and they're extremely sharp. The handle where you hold it looks like a blade, but is actually fake metal. She said it was rubber. The wings of the sword are knives, so it can be tossed at something and if it touches it, that person or thing will defiantly get cut somewhere." Queen Luna explained, lifting a picture that seemed to be printed. Timmy glanced at it confused that they could make machinery here, but he just shrugged it off as he snatched it from her shaking fingers. As they gazed at the beautiful colorful sword, Timmy noticed a flicker. He glanced down at the edge and saw a glimpse of a dragon on the paper. Timmy brought it inches away from his face, examining it and realizing there was small words on it: FIND ME. The boy's eyes were bewildered, and as soon as he let out a tiny gasp, the words vanished out of sight, and all was left in front of him was the dragon sword, still shimmering through the paper.
As Naldi ripped the sheet out of his hand, she looked at it, then all of a sudden her eyes darkened. Timmy glanced at her weirdly, wondering what made her get such a threatened look.
"Are you okay?" Timmy whispered, gripping the paper to take it away from her view, but she snatched it back, gazing at it with tears rolling down her rosy cheeks as she walked to a corner. The boy was startled. Why was she so sad? Timmy wondered, his eyebrows bent in a worried expression.
"It's.. It's actually you." Naldi laughed randomly through her tears slightly, smiling lightly. The boy glanced at her, still weirded out by all these emotions bouncing on top of him.
"Okay, who are you talking too?" Timmy teased, but then immediately stopped when he saw the seriousness in Naldi's eyes.
"Her. She's alive." Naldi bursted, smiling brilliantly and pouncing around the room, clenching the paper in her arms, hugging the thin sheet.
"How is that good?" Timmy muttered, ripping the now crinkled paper out of his friend's hand, slamming it on the desk and smoothing it out with his palm. Then he noticed another set of words. More like a paragraph almost, just not quite. He brought it closer to his face, knowing this is how Naldi got sad and happy. He inched it closer, then finally could make out the words, which almost made him stagger backwards and trip in shock;
"Her is your.. mother?" The boy gasped, his eyes bulging out of his head in surprise. Naldi nodded constantly, bouncing around with excitement.
"Come on, we need to get the dragon sword!" Naldi urged, gripping his wrist like a little toddler and racing out the doorway, ducking under the branch. Timmy glanced back at Queen Luna's office room, but when it caught his view, it was already blurry as he realized they were already at the exit of the ancient oak.
Timmy had a hard time processing everything as he gazing back to the forest laid out in front of them. The war, Queen Luna's break down, Her being Naldi's mother, a dragon sword needed to destroy the Bad World, an adventure he could die from.
Everything was happening to fast, but he knew that this was much better than experiencing good people falling to the ground in a bloodbath around you on a war field.

Two Worlds - The Secrets Within (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now