Chapter V

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As the two kids were silently leaping and ducking on twigs, through vines, and over branches, they quickly came to a halt in front of the giant oak tree. The glistening golden dust was spilling out of a long branch dangling over a pool of gold sparkles that were reflecting the light from the sinking white sun, almost blinding Timmy. As Naldi guided him over a thick branch about ten feet wide, under them the golden dust, they quietly made their way towards a wide gap in the sacred tree. When they reached the inside, the boy predicted it was going to be pitch black the minute they set foot inside, but it was rather bright inside the hollow trunk. There was a large room full of people talking and eating in beautiful silk gowns, like from ancient times when the Gods used to wear those flowing white gowns draped over one shoulder, the other one completely exposed, legs covered, feet blocked, fingers barely making an entrance. It was almost exactly like that, but the women wore longer dresses falling down to the ground, trailing behind them every time they stepped forward, while the men just had the ancient-type gowns. Timmy even spotted elegant rings known as halos floating above some heads, having the color of a burning yellow sun. There were now real furniture, metal chairs that were icy cold, tables suited in a long blanket of red and white fabric with round trays stacked on top of the other, filled with neatly designed pastries, icing swirled on each cupcake, cookie, and brownie. There were a couple of women in black and white maid outfits, a giant metal tray in their hand with skinny wine bottles, the stems a glistening shaded purple as for the body was spring green, while the extremely light blue liquid was sloshing around inside.
"We need to find Queen Luna." Naldi whispered in his ear, not even wanting to stare directly at him, therefore she kept her head a lookout. Timmy just nodded, drinking in all the new scents of sweets and tart beverages.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Naldi growled, rolling her blue eyes, grabbing Timmy's arm and tugging him along, her brown hair manufactured into a high pony tail, swaying side to side. Her skin was a washed tan, as smooth as a kittens fur. Her black, slightly fluffed, short sleeved vest was hugging her desperately, her inner white shirt flapping from the wind. Her tall army-like boots went up to her knees, and beige pants sucked into her shoes. She had a large belt full of knives and small axes, but something else caught his eye. A rather large axe trying to sink out of its hole punched into the fabric, the handle swinging dangerously close to Naldi. Everyone knows she's an expert with any axe, but this axe was her friend. It had shiny metal as the head, the handle a thick wooden stick, smoothed out for comfort.
Ever since the WeaponTroops found out how powerful she was with axes, they decided to make an excellent creation. Naldi once told him that her axe could fly out of her belt with a single whistle, but it would only attack by the vibrating of Naldi's voice.
As they made their way through huddles of people talking and drinking, they halted in front of a man with a monocle hesitating over his right eye, a long clear cord curved around his ear. He wasn't wearing a gown surprisingly, he was in a black suit, a tie draped around his neck, not even tied, shiny shoes glistening from the lamps hanging off the crinkled leave ceiling. His pants were jet black, not a spot of dirt, nor a stain of juice. He had a bald patch in the center of his head with curly hairs surrounding it.
"Why hello. May you fix my tie for me, young man?" The gentlemen asked, adjusting his monocle, and blinking twice. Naldi slowly glanced at Timmy, the boy meeting her gaze as she twitched her head towards the man three times. Timmy nodded.
"Sure." The boy answered politely as the man kneeled down to one knee so Timmy could reach. As he looped it around, he glanced into the mans eyes, trying to find something behind his force field, preventing the emotions, but nothing showed.
"So, what makes you come?" The man asked as Timmy did the last loop around his neck as the man straightened the tie and adjusting his crooked monocle.
"Uh, we're here to see Queen Luna." Naldi responded, scraping her boots across the marble floor and rubbing her right temple with her hand in anticipation
"Oh, I saw she walked in there." He explained, grabbing a cup of tea from a waitress talking to a women in a flowing gown down to her feet, sprawled behind her, the servers tray sticking out in the mans face as he pointed his other hand towards another tree.
"Really?" Timmy questioned, brightening up with hope as he glanced at a trunk with a branch sprouting in the middle of the hollow door leading towards a desk area where there a was a large thrown with poles attaching to a wide wooden desk with papers stashed and stacked every inch. Laid out in front of the working area was a wide window connecting to the wide trunk, outlooking the whole village of the Good World. Sitting in the thrown was the tips of magnificent golden wings stretched out at the upper corners of the large royalty chair
"Mhm." The man mumbled, sipping the tea from his white tea cup. Naldi smiled, grabbing Timmy's hand and pulling him towards the tree.
"Nice meeting you, Mr.. uh." The boy calls back, making a weird face with one eye squinted and another one open
"The name's Erik Skiver." He called back, throwing his arms up in the air, spilling the tea making it splatter on the floor. The boy could hear the faint whisper of a swear word slip out of his mouth as he kneeled down, waitresses and waiters gasping and crowding around with napkins as if it was a fire
As Timmy turned his head back in the direction they were headed, he realized they were ducking under the long branch laid out in front of the doorway type entrance as if a sign to keep out. Knowing that you're with Naldi, you will slip right through doors with signs like this.
As soon as his skin touched the cool air in the trunk, he had chills racing up his spine. His skin turned icy cold, his pale self turning to ice. He heard the clacking of his own teeth banging against each other from the freezing air, making him feel stiff to the bone. As he glanced at Naldi, he saw that she had released her arm from his, wrapping them around her bare skin. He noticed a small white cloud of cold breath escape her blue lips, her heavy sighing turning to high rasping as she shivered her way over to the desk. As he trailed behind Naldi, basically limping from being numb, they reached the thrown
"Hello? Why is it so cold? It's like negative one hundred degrees in here!" Naldi retorted, her teeth beginning to make the annoying clacking. Almost immediately, the thrown spun around, twirling its way towards their direction. In front of them stood Queen Luna. Her golden dress had a large strap around one shoulder, then her other shoulder had a skinnier strap. Her arms were bare to the air, making them look pale. Her eyes were a dazed green, looking as if the color was sucked out of them. Her hair had amber highlights running down strands of curly brown hair going past her shoulders. Surprisingly, Timmy noticed golden flats placed on her feet, knowing he wouldn't suspect a Royalty would wear such plain shoes. Her golden wings were spread wide apart, almost crowding the whole room, the tiny golden sparkles twinkled in the reflection of the sun through the large window. Almost her whole body was exposed to the cold air, making her look like she was about to pass out.
"Oh, greetings." Queen Luna greeted gloomily, blankly staring at rugged carpet. Timmy knew something was wrong. It was obvious. The cold air, the tired voice, the distance away from people, the branch. It all made sense now.
"Are you okay?" Timmy blurted out, not realizing he spilled out his question planted in his mind. Queen Luna stared desperately into his eyes, asking for hope, for a hero
"Fine, dear." She responded, spinning her thrown back towards the desk and resting her head in her hands. Timmy knew she was lying, so he glanced at Naldi for help, but she was just pacing around the room, trying to get some warmth. Timmy looked back at Queen Luna. She was blankly staring at a blank piece of paper in front of her. He couldn't make out the three words written out, so he just sighed, resting a hand on her shoulder.
"I know there's something wrong. You can tell me." The boy whispered in her ear, accidentally touching a delicate wing. As he jolted his head up, nervous he destroyed them by the slight touch, all he saw was the glimmer of color burst into them. He watched in amazement at the sight. It was faint colors, but clear enough to be noticed.
"Wow." Timmy slipped out, smiling at the beauty, till it faded away back to gold. Queen Luna sighed. Then almost immediately, the boy frowned.
"Please." He begged softly, pressing his palm against the red cushion.
"Timmy." She whispered, almost sobbing. The boy leaned in, waiting for more.
"You're going-" That's when she burst into tears. Timmy plastered a confused look on his face. He's never seen a girl cry before, and he was defiantly not expecting a queen to sob in front of him. Did she hear about the war? Was that the words on the paper?
"You're going to die, Timmy."

Two Worlds - The Secrets Within (Book One)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя