Chapter VII

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As they crossed the large log, stepping foot on the damp ground and hungrily eyeing the trees, they made their way through the forest where a trail was cleared out as a rough path. As Naldi silently yanked a large knife out of her belt, she slashed out at long, slimy leaves and thin branches that were drooping to the floor to clear short cuts on the route. As they made their way through the jungle, Timmy noticed the feeling tingling inside him that he was being watched rush up his spine. As the boy glanced over at what seemed to be gazing into his back, he saw nothing. So he just shrugged the feeling off and kept moving. But he could feel the strong stare attached to him, not seeming to let go. As he became more fidgety every split second, he could feel a slight touch as if the thing was right behind him, trying to get it's hands on his shoulders to pull him away to darkness. When he slowly turned his head back where they came from, all he could see were the tall, climbing trees spiraling up the sky, the greenery making the ancient tree disappear in sight. As he gave a slight sigh, he traced his gaze back to where they were chopping leaves and such, but realized his feet weren't moving and that Naldi was out of sight. He could hear the faint yelps of his name from her, wondering where he was though. Timmy started racing forward, when he felt the jolt of strength pulling him back.
"Naldi! Naldi!" Timmy screamed through the quiet trees. He could hear the slight yell of his friend, calling his name as he could hear thumping of feet getting more clearer and clearer as he knew she was racing towards him. As he tried to do the same, Timmy felt nothing, and nothing came to rescue him. Everything seemed to be disappearing into dark woods, filled with the smell of death.The cries of Naldi faded into the gloom of a depressing forest, branches bouncing on the trunk, begging to fall and crack into a mess of bark.
As he struggled to be released, he pushed and tugged and pulled against his suspect, leaving large footprints dragging across the dirtied path. That's when he spotted it.
Giant dragon-like tracks where right next to his, the claws bigger than the Golden Rope soldiers, and the foot large than a car. It was so unrealistic, he thought he was dreaming. But really, it was real.
When he flashed a glance behind his back, he could see two little human hands with talons threateningly wrapped around his shoulders, getting tighter as he kept budging. Timmy was a little nervous to actually see what this thing looked like. He suspected it was dragon, but for some reason his mind was noting something different. Like a human dragon thing. Nothing he could every imagine. But when he fully twisted into it's scaly hands, it was just a dragon. A disgusting one. It had four arms outstretched around him securely, black scales creeping across them but then being shredded down to just human skin. It's head was the size of a truck, the large dark body looked like a plane deformed into the structure of a chest and stomach, and the claws and horns on it were rusted and huge.
As Timmy gazed back around, stunned in a series of thought, he felt a flash of heat drift on top of him. When he glanced up, he could see flames alit against the dull leaves and branches of the trees, and noticed when he traced his view back towards the dragon, it was blowing fire violently, coughing clouds of smoke, and breathing deep, burning fire. That's when Naldi explored his thoughts again, making him start to panic as he cleared his state of being blank and remembered that only about five or two minutes ago, Naldi had disappeared away from him, still in the tall sprouts of plants, searching for me. Not even knowing that a fire storm about her way.
"Naldi!" Timmy shouted as loud as he could, but his voice was faded only seconds later when the beast above him roared in fiery and blew a puff of smoke in his face, making him burst with coughs as he choked on the polluted air.
"Don't speak." The dragon growled in a low, raspy voice making Timmy flinch a little at the notice that the beast could talk.
"You're coming with me." It added, in the type of tone you would think a giant monster would use in a soothing way, but Timmy felt like it was even more worse, reminding him of how protective his best friend was over him. The boy had the urge himself onward asking questions, but he just couldn't seem to get anything to say, leaving him feeling uncomfortable with every movement they made.
After a couple minutes, he could feel the slow halting of the beast, the wind calming down to a steady breeze making Timmy shiver with relief. That's when he could pick up the loud flapping of what seemed like the loud shaking of a handful of kids crazily moving their hands in an uneven way as they would grip a giant parachute. But instead, it was the flapping of a giant beast's wings, getting ready to take flight.
"You ready there, kid?" The monster groaned, leaning it's long neck down to the floor and it's tail high in the sky like a cat getting ready to pounce, making the boy barely touch the dirt path. The thought that the dragon even cared about if Timmy was ready startled him, but he sighed and shut his eyes.
"I guess." He mumbled. He could feel the slight shift of the dragon's head, noting that he nodded in completeness. As Timmy could feel the move of the beasts tiny human hands throw him, he thought that he was falling to his death when he was afloat in the brightened blue of the sky, until he landed on the spiked spine of the monsters back, automatically wrapping his arms around it's large, scaly back. As he could hear the large swoop of the wings, immediately he felt the swoosh of wind fly through his hair, blowing his face with air making it hard for him to breath. As they flew across the land, trees spilling out in front of them, Timmy slowly moved his head to the side, noticing a smaller, but large, light blue dragon with a girl with huge, white feathered flappers, reminding him of Naldi. Then it hit him. Naldi.
"Naldi!" He called, waving slightly as he noticed her glancing at him, a smiling slowly being painted on her face.
"Where are we going?"
"To Her!"
"Yeah! These are her dragons!"
He laughed, feeling a little more comfortable around this giant beast as he rested his head on it's scaly back, letting his body relax as he drifted off to sleep, thinking of the time when he'll finally be able to hold the dragon sword in the safety of his hands.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 03, 2014 ⏰

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