Well, hello beautiful!

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"Stealing someone's money is not nearly as bad as wasting their time."
– Mokokoma Mokhonoana
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   You only had one cube of energon left at your new home.

   Aami had managed to find out the location of an energon mine for you to steal from. The Decepticons seemed to have claimed most of them. On the upside, that meant you got to have the thrill of a dangerous steal again, and you didn't have to feel bad about it! The downside was the fact that they were war machines, and you were averse to conflict.

The less conflict during a heist, the less likely you were to get caught.

There was a working ground-bridge attached to the control room's right wall. Aami demanded that you to not die after you kissed her on the helm. Then, you left.

It was a stranger feeling, entering through the swirling portal. You ended up in a forest, and had to jog for a few minutes to find the mine.

Two troopers guarded the entrance to the cavern. It was shrouded by the forest, making sure no human would find it. It was just your luck that some wildlife alerted them, and the two dashed away from the entrance to identify it. Luck was on your side.

Did they kill it? The creature that drew them away? You wondered curiously, sneaking inside without a sound. It probably wasn't human, thankfully, as you were much too far from civilization in this dense forest. You jogged in and hid behind some boulders.

The area was one giant cavern. There was a master computer off to the side, where one trooper was getting yelled at on the alien equivalent of a Skype call. You weren't close enough to see the mech on the screen in very good detail.

Most of the mechs seemed to be mining. After enough energon crystals were deposited in a mine cart, one would roll it down to the bottom level, and into a tunnel nearby the computer. What was down there was either another cavern, or a way out. You needed to get to that tunnel for your energon. Obviously, you would have to go around as to not get caught.

There were guards, who were definitely armed, but they looked exactly like the miners. Maybe the miners were armed? It wouldn't make sense to have only two guards in case of an Autobot attack.

You took a tunnel to the left, where scattered vehicons carried tools around. One was pushing an empty mine cart. You figured waiting for an empty tunnel was a time-consuming and unhelpful idea.


   You jumped from the sudden noise. The sounds of rapid blaster fire echoed throughout the mine. You headed back over to where you entered the tunnel, only to find a bunch of bots with the Autobot branding shooting up the place.

   Great! The first time you need to steal fuel, you end up coming to the same mine on the same day as the Autobots! You heaved a sigh and looked back down the tunnel. At least it was empty now, because all the troopers were busy with the intruders.

   You ran through the tunnel. You took a turn at its exit, moving swiftly, gracefully, and most importantly, unnoticed. You reached the tunnel entrance with no problems, despite the raging battle right next to you. There were some more conveniently placed boulders by the tunnel that you hid behind. You looked around to make sure you could continue on without a hitch.

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