Real smooth, cassanova

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"Some people just needed to be stolen from."
– Eoin Colfer
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When you and Aami awoke late the next morning, you had simply laid on the berth. You exchanged small talk every now and then, but mostly just basked in each other's company. She asked you where you got the bear, knowing you'd stolen it, though she didn't comment about it. You gave an indirect answer that she accepted with a sigh. Your only defense for your actions was that you couldn't really pay for things in this new life, a defense you didn't vocalize.

   You wanted to find out more about the Prime and his team. Out of the two factions, the Bots seemed more likable and less power hungry and backstabbing. If you and Aami ever needed allies, they sounded like they'd be up for the job. As much as you liked the look of that blue femme, you wanted to make sure her and her team were trustworthy.

   It didn't help that both factions were in a war. You'd probably have to excuse a couple normally-not-so-excusable actions because of that fact.

   Aami had read through a bunch of the data log entries chronicling all the friends the Neutral had lost because of the war. You banned her from reading any more.

   Now, Aami sat in the seat she always did, sifting through files in her computer. She'd already seemed to fall into a routine. You were still looking for one, and mostly bid your time bringing her energon and thinking about the future. The two of you had just finished your morning energon.

   "Hey Cenn! Come look at this!" Aami spoke up.

   You looked up from where you sat on the ground, poking around the ground bridge controls. Your wings had lifted high in alert. You wanted to take it all apart to figure out exactly how it worked and then put it back together again. Unfortunately, you never knew when you might need to use it, so there probably wouldn't be any time.

   "Yeah?" You rested an elbow on the top of the chair and leaned into it. Aami pointed at the green screen, which showed a map and indicating lines. There were glowing dots on it, as well as glowing insignias.

   "The computer started beeping and this came up! Look at that-" the girl pointed at a dark blue dot, "that's our ship. Those light green rings around our ship is our proximity, and scan ranges. Once the map came up, a green dot flashed, and I think that means a ground bridge had opened up."

"Huh," you said. "Is the light blue dot an energon signal?"

"Yeah, but it's faint. It's probably what they're all there for," Aami concluded.

"Hmm. I'mma go check it out. Bridge me in, will ya?"

The little girl turned to you, her clearly surprised and scared at what you said. Her servos squeezed the top of the chair. "Wait, what? But what about all we've heard about them?! And how you nearly got caught in the crossfire when they raided that mine!"

You sighed, a small smile on your face. "What'd I say 'bout all that again?"

"Take it all with a side of salt?" She sunk back down in her chair.

"Yep," you answered, lovingly pecking her forehelm. "Now, punch in the coordinates. Your Cenn's got this."

"What are you gonna do once you get there?" Aami asked, typing while talking. The computer gave her an approving beep. You pushed down the handle lever for her.

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