Wake me up when September ends

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"I can sense your love,
why leave me in darkness?
Beguile me for your amusement,
stealing my soul without kisses.
You are the sun and I, the moon.
Your beauty is reflected in my eyes.
When we are apart, I am extinguished
in the blackness of these skies."
- Kamand Kojouri
/ / /

You woke up to a dark and blurry room. Your optics were the only source of light, and not a very good one. They whirrr-ed as they adjusted and sharpened the details of the room.

Warmth clung to both of your sides. To your left, there was Aami, holding onto you with all her sleeping ten-year-old might. She also had the stuffed animal you'd gifted her. So the bots had discovered her and your ship, huh? You sighed and smiled at your little one, kissing her on the forehelm. She snuggled into your side some more.

To your right, you found Arcee. Your optic ridges shot up at the sight of her. You smiled at her as well, seeing how she'd warmed up to you. You lifted a servo and gently caressed her calm, sleeping faceplates. Her helm rested on her shoulder, and you figured she'd stayed at the edge of your shoulder, but cuddled closer to your chassis in her recharge. You gave her a kiss to the forehelm too.

The two-wheeler gasped in her recharge. Her servos were at her chassis, but one moved to grab your side and pull closer. You hoped this wasn't a sign of a bad dream.

Aami yawned. Your body jerked slightly, almost unnoticeably, but not unnoticeably enough for the young girl it seemed. She yawned again, her optics batting as she moved her helm to look up at you. They snapped open once she realized you were awake. The sky blue sparkling froze and toned down her excitement when she noticed the recharging Arcee.

"Whaddya think o' her?" You kept quiet and motioned your helm at the femme. You had your small smile back on again.

"She's cool, I guess. We didn't really talk all that much while you were out. Bumblebee got his T-Cog stolen, and Starscream was there, but Bee got his cog back-it was a bit of a thing," the sparkling whisper-replied. The wheels on her back twitched.

"I'm sure the three of us'll get some bondin' time. War's got plenty of action, and plenty of waiting," you told her. Your gaze became a bit more reassuring.

Aami nodded, then paused. "Oh!" She climbed off the berth as quiet as possible. "I have to tell Ratchet your awake! Brb!"

You nodded, even though she'd already turned around and run off. Rubbing at your tired optics, you looked back over at Arcee. You'd probably have to wake her up for this.

"Cee, Cee, darlin', sweatspark . . ." You whispered, nudging and gently shaking her. Arcee moaned as she gradually woke up. She yawned and sat up. You chuckled, "Did ya dream of me?"

The femme whirled around to see you with a smile on your face. "You're awake!" She said in surprise. "Are you okay? I'll get Ratchet."

"Cee," you grabbed her arm, "Aami's getting him."

"Oh." Arcee paused before sitting by your side on the medical berth again.

"I feel fine, by the way. Jus' real tired. Is everyone else okay? How long 'ave I been sleepin'?" You asked curiously. Your servo slid from her wrist to her servo and held it gently. Admittedly, you expected her to pull away. Instead, Arcee squeezed it lightly, though you couldn't tell if she was doing it to comfort you or herself.

"It's been two weeks." If you hadn't been awake before, you were now. Arcee spoke up again before you could voice your disbelief. "Megatron shot you. Ratchet made sure you got back to full health. We tracked down your ship to see if you had extra fuel we could use, we found that and-"

"Aami," you finished. You petted her knuckles with your thumb. The two-wheeler nodded.

"We know about your past now. You used be human. A criminal." She looked everywhere but your faceplates. "You took Aami in because her parents were neglectful. Agent Fowler is looking into things right now. He'll make sure their taken care of."

"Do they think we're dead? Me and Aami? Not just the parents, I mean."

"To them, you and her were kidnapped and killed by a gang." You nodded at that.

"Not quite a lie. Some o' the gangs I used to hang 'round might take offense to that, though." You chuckled to yourself. Gang involvement? Probably one of your worst ideas, but it was the only way you could have a family at the time.

Heavy pedesteps came from the hall. Definitely Ratchet's. Quicker and quieter pedesteps sounded. There was Aami, appearing out of the dark hallway, her small servo latched onto one of the medic's digits as she led him to you.

"Hey there, tiny, Doc." You nodded in greeting at both of them.

"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Ratchet asked. Arcee stood up and allowed Ratchet to come to your side.

"I'm feelin' rather well. Thanks fer takin' care o' me." You flashed him your signature, charismatic smile as a show of gratefulness. Aami helped herself onto your berth. She rocked back and forth on her aft as she watched Ratchet work.

Arcee's optics scanned over the situation from paces away.

"Get some rest, sweetspark. I'm in good servos." You gave her a smile to, but it was sweeter and more reassuring. Aami smiled at her too, but she just seemed to be mimicking you.

The femme seemed hesitant, but Ratchet told her the same thing in his own words. That made her roll her optics and head for her berthroom. You met her optics as she glanced back at you one last time.

"How much 'as she been doin' that?" You raised an optic ridge as you returned your attention to Ratchet.

"Who's been doing what?"

"Take a wild guess."

Ratchet sighed. He prepared a needle and injected energon onto your arm. "Arcee has been stopping by and taking care of my night shift every now and then over the past few weeks."

Translation: Arcee has fallen into recharge enough times that I've let her take care of you herself.

"What's I miss while I was out?" You asked curiously. "Besides the discovery of my tragic backstory, of course."

Aami took care of that one. Chattering on about how MECH had taken Bee's T-Cog and how he struggled with that. Optimus was grateful for your help in returning his memories and had told her war stories. She became friends with the Bee's human charge, Raf, and the two had bonded over complicated math.

You asked about Arcee. Apparently June had helped the femme learn how to take care of your sparkling. Of course, everyone had helped care for Aami, but Arcee and Optimus especially. The two-wheeler seemed to have really warmed up to her, and you couldn't wait to see it for yourself.

Yeah, you thought approvingly, I definitely chose right.

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