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Greetings dear reader, I am Tallis, a historian and wayfarer.

For countless ages I have traveled through countless worlds and throughout many times. Some worlds were beautiful beyond measure. While others were pits of depravity I couldn't escape fast enough. During my long journey I also met many unique people. Some great, some ordinary, some that were living and some that were dead. Some were not even people at all. But each and everyone them had a story to tell.

My trek was for a single goal, to hear and to record the fascinating tales of those I encountered. Some of these stories took all the courage I possessed to hear while others were over far too soon.

Now that I have returned to safety of my sanctum between the planes it is finally time to assemble and share everything that I have heard. Knowledge should always be shared and the greatest source of knowledge are the experiences of those that have lived. I now task myself to share those experiences with all the worlds beyond.

My people have always hungered for stories, both uplifting and soul crushing. Now, that I think about it my people are a contradictory odd lot.  Nevertheless, I doubt only my own kind desire these amazing tales.  I am proud to share my bounty with all the worlds of all the planes.

I will share my own thoughts before every tale.  I hope you enjoy the stories I have gathered from worlds that are hidden from most eyes. May you feel the same fascination, horror and joy from them that I do

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