Isle of Cascade Part 3 of 3

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Captain Gagen emerged from his quarters, not looking the least bit happy. Adiel came behind him, his thin arms folded in the sleeves of his robes. "Cyril come about, and take us back to the island."

"Aye sir," Cyril said huskily. "Do we mean to attack the Pernicious then?"

"No. Stow away all guns and close the gun ports. Remove all the guns from the deck and conceal them, and bring down all colors, but be ready to redeploy the main guns on my command."

"Sir?" Cyril looked as though Gagen had lost his mind.

"You heard my orders." Gagen said sternly. 

Cyril looked at Gagen then cast a sharp glance at Adiel who stood behind Gagen then stalked off.

Gagen then turned to Adiel. "I hope you know what you are doing monk." With that he stormed off, obviously not in good humor.

"So do I, my good captain, so do I," Adiel said under his breath.

It did not take long for the Eitan to make it back to the Isle of Cascade. They were nearing the position where they first spotted the Pernicious. Gagen stood once again at the bow of the ship with his spyglass out. He spotted the isle, but he paid it scant attention. His eyes were focused on the horizon looking for their target. He did not have to look long. He soon caught sight of sails appearing on the horizon.

"Tell Adiel to make ready then go to your post." Gagen told a crewman that he had on standby for this exact task. The crewman nodded quickly and ran off in the direction of Adiel's quarters.

Adiel sat behind his desk holding the golden key in his hand, yet again. He was quiet, he knew what he had to do, but he was not sure he could, would he even listen to Adiel. It had been a long time since he had spoken to him, would his memory of Adiel pass into death? Would his love?

He went over his hazy memory wondering if what was happening was real or just part of some dream. A quick knock at his door roused him from his thoughts. He knew it was nearly time now. He looked down at the polished silver bowl that he had obtained from the captain. He poured sea water in it placed the key in the water while still holding onto the chain and waited.

On deck Captain Gagen watched the ship get closer. He then caught sight of a storm brewing up behind the ship and realized that the Pernicious was already heading toward them. "Drop anchor!" He called out. There was a brief pause to this order. Gagen turned around a cast a sharp glance at his crewman, who quickly, if not enthusiastically obeyed. The Eitan came to a near stop. 

The sails were drawn in as the anchor dropped. They suddenly became a very easy and very tempting target. The crew was now forced to wait. They had no idea what they were doing. Only Gagen and Adiel knew, but the fact they were following these suicidal orders without question was a testament to the faith they had in their captain.

The Pernicious quickly closed the distance between them. They would be on top of the Eitan within minutes. Gagen's resolve began to shake, he nearly gave the order to weigh anchor, but he had to place his faith in a power he did not understand, and a monk he truly did not trust.

Below decks Adiel was lost in his spell. He could once again feel the same presence that he felt before, but it was stronger now and more familiar. It was almost as if the person were right in the room with him. The presence was strong, but not overpowering; it was somewhat comforting to Adiel though.

"Tell me why you are here still I beseech you." Adiel said softly. He paused for a long moment, nothing happened.

"Tell me your story," he repeated. "Tell me the reason for your torment." At first nothing happened, then a voice. Inside his mind, as clear as if someone were in the room with him began talking.

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