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Chapter 6 - Storm Coming

People are afraid of thunder storms. I know I am. But for me it's not that I was always afraid of thunder storms. It's connected to something I want to get rid of. The one memory that started it all. Its all my fault.

Gunshots, thunder, screaming, blood. It's the only thing that has made me cry over the last 3 years. So yes, I'm afraid of thunder. But damn that memory is more scary than thunder. And it shows up every time.

I slowly sit up, my stomach sore as I groan. The window is no longer shining brightly on me, it's dark out, signaling I probably fell asleep. Kingston is no longer by me, and my eyebrows furrow.

Was this a joke? Have I been punk'd?

I open the door and walk out into a plain white hallway, the walls lined with picture frames and a bamboo table at the end with some fruit and another picture frame.

The picture frame holds a picture of what looks like a younger sister of Rivers. "Do not touch that." He says and I stop moving. "Sorry." I say shyly. I'm not welcome here why would I even think of touching it, I should leave.

That's what you were doing!

I quickly go down a large set of bamboo stairs as River follows. "I do not know why you need to get home so early and I frankly do not care, but I will take you home if you eat, you slept for a while." He says and I nod profusely as he disappears into a room to my right.

I don't look in, maybe he's finally getting clothes on? After a while he comes out with a plate of spaghetti in his hands, and Kingston behind him.

"You're still here?" I ask and he chuckles, "I should be saying that to you darling." He says and I raise an eyebrow, "You know, giving somebody a nickname shows that you care about them?" I say and he walks towards me, slowly walking me into the wall, he puts his hands on either side of my head.

"Who says I don't." He says in a low voice, and I look up into his blue eyes, the electric blue so similar to River's... but different. He's different.

They're like a pale blue, one that isn't what a second grade girl would choose for the color of their walls like River's.

They're beautiful.

He's so... so handsome.

I'll admit that... no matter how hard headed and anxious I am.

He slowly takes the spaghetti out of my hands, "We should eat at the table." He says, his hair falling in front of his eyes as he looks down at me from his height.

How tall do people need to be, I'm 5'3", thats only two inches under average for a female and he is like eight feet tall.

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating, he's like 6'4", but WHY?

Changing subjects, Spaghetti was my favorite, but I haven't had it in about three years, and even the sound of eating sounds unappetizing.

I grab the fork from the table he placed it on as River starts going up the stairs, halfway through stopping and licking his fingers while telling me, "I am going to change. I will take you home after with Kingston, but I need to redo your bandages." River says.

"I can do it, since you are clearly unsanitary." Kingston says and River nods, "thanks dude, but shut the fuck up."

Kingston laughs, shaking his head and taking a bite of spaghetti.

His laugh is nice, it's like it goes through his whole body, and travels to me only for it to go through me too.

At least he hasn't suspected any reasons for my cutting, I scoff. I inspect the room as Kingston leans against the counter, seeing a clean white kitchen with bamboo counters and a marble floor, I'm beginning to see a pattern. This home seems like a maze when I see a different set of stairs it's every turn I take.

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