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Y'all it's long I'm sorry (no this ain't the climax but it's kinda a part of it)

2749 words

Chapter 41 - Elevators

I wake up, seeing nobody in the room as it's like 2 when I wake up. I groan and stare into nothing before standing up.

I go into the bathroom and start doing my makeup, just enough to make it look like I wasn't crying all night.

I put my hair down and brush it before changing. I don't have many options since I packed lightly and since my other stuff is in Kingston's room.

I slowly walk down the hall, my phone held in my hand as I pass Kingston's room, then the elevator, and finally make it to Reid's room.

I feel... empty.

I knock on the door and Reid opens up. When he sees me he immediately hugs me, his mouth going to my ear as he whispers quietly. "They're here."

River probably told him.

"Oh..." I say, my voice drifting into nothing as I nod, "thanks for telling me-" I say, turning to go back into my room but I hear Mel.

"Summer! Guess what!? Guess what?!" she repeats over excitedly as I begrudgingly step over the threshold.

Reid takes his spot back with Miah on the bed, River in a chair and Mel and Kingston on the couch.

Mel's head is on Kingston's lap as she looks at me excitedly. But I can't look at her as I walk over to Reid, sitting on his other side and placing my head on his chest, looking up at the ceiling.

Miah doesn't care, and I know because when I walked in she gave me a sympathetic glance. She knows what happened, and I just want to look at the skylights.

"What?" I ask, monotone as I look up at the skylights and she squeals. "I'm Kingston's girlfriend!" She says and I nod, emotionless as I feel Kingston's gaze on me. My stomach churns at the thought as I move trying to get it off of me but I can't.

It feels like the walls are closing in or there is slowly less air and every body is looking at me like I'm see through and I can't trust anybody I once did, who knows everything about me and over and over again hurts me.

And suddenly I'm back in my cold dark room before winter break, before my project, before friends and I'm staring at the ceiling again. I want to feel the pain. I want to feel the love I felt when there was none because that's the most I'll ever get.

Everything is ringing and my ears are overwhelmed as I feel like I'm stuck sleeping but I keep trying to scream that I'm awake. But everybody is thinking I'm saying things I'm not. They're looking at me and nodding and laughing and I feel like I'm in a costume or pretending I'm somebody else, just sitting in a chair as they interrogate me.

I'm chained to the chair and I can't get out no matter how hard I try as it shakes my whole body in the process.

I feel myself being jostled but my breathing gets faster which only makes the aggressive shaking more violent in my head. Every single word said over and over again, echoing through my stone cold, cavelike brain becomes a punch to the gut. Maybe a few punches to the heart to mix it up.

Maybe a few punches to the brain because screw mental health because all I do over and over again is make my way up the mountain of happiness and sit at the very point....

The top.

It's so small that I can't fit so I stand on one toe and look up, feeling the breeze through my hair but I forgot... that even the tip of a mountain like happiness mountain is sharp. Even if it makes you think that if you touch the tip of a knife you think is dull, so dull, it won't hurt you... but the knife suddenly thinks "oh no that was too much for you. You could believe in yourself when thinking that? It's wrong!"

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