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Chapter 36 - Valentines Day

I never expected to be celebrating Valentines day, let alone while I'm almost eighteen with River Laydree and Kingston Brag. But I guess I should get past the shock, even if it's so surreal.

Even if I'm still shocked over so many things.

El and I have just pulled into the driveway after we went to Gray's in search of pumpkin bread. Apparently River and Kingston still haven't tried it.

I walk in, the pumpkin bread in my hands. As soon as I enter I see Pho on the couch in the grand living room with Kingston asleep next to her. She is curled up on top of him, a smile on his and her face.

It's adorable.

I take the pumpkin bread out of the bag and put it on a plate and bring it to them, as soon as Pho sees me I put a finger over my lips. Not wanting to wake Kingston up.

She gets off of Kingston, him being the heavy sleeper he is, he stays asleep. I hand her a piece of pumpkin bread, "I know you'll love it." I whisper and she smiles before taking a small bite of the bread.

Once she swallows she looks up at me with wide eyes, "Dat was amazing." She says and I smile, "I know." I say as she crawls on my lap, taking another bite of the bread as it is held in her small hands.

"Here, I got you something." I say, taking out a bar of chocolate that I had bought her. My manager had given me the day off, though so many people go to the cafe on Valentine's Day.

She smiles at me, "Thank you!" She says, her small body wrapping around mine. "You're welcome, Pho." I say as I lay back, she eats her pumpkin bread beside me as my eyes close.

I open my eyes suddenly, not sure wether or not I had fallen asleep until I realize Kingston is sitting next to me texting somebody.

I get up and rub my eyes, smiling at him as I jump on him. "Happy Valentine's Day!" I say and he smirks, "Happy Valentine's Day." He says, "You have been here for a while now huh?" He asks and I nod, "like two or three months." I say with a shrug.

"I like it here so time really flies by." I say and he nods, "I am happy you are happy." He says, picking me up by my thighs, grabbing a piece of pumpkin bread and bringing us upstairs.

"I got you something," he explains as I giggle, wondering why he picks me up so often and why his hands are so close to my butt.

He open the door to his bedroom and closes the door with his foot, then he throws me on the bed. He grabs a small box out of his closet.

He hands me the box, it's a light blue one with a grey ribbon tied around it. I slide off the ribbon, opening the box gently to find a white necklace, with a small white heart at the bottom with a light blue gem.

I had recently figure out that light blue was my new favorite color, though I might have been biased since that was Kingston's favorite color so I had seen it a lot lately.

I look up at him with wide eyes, soon getting up on the bed and jumping on him just like earlier, "You are such a baby." He chuckles into my ear, I giggle, shaking my head.

"Thank you Kingston, will you help me out this on?" I ask and he nods. I pull my hair back, his hands going around my neck, grazing against my skin making me tingle more than I was just by being next to him.

He clips the necklace on, his hands trailing down to my hips, his lips going to my neck where he kisses it lightly. "You still have to teach me to dance." He says greedily and I chuckle.

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