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Chapter 46 - Early Grads, Fine Lines, & Nose Twitching

After that I walked out.

I looked at him and couldn't do it anymore.

Sure, that hurt more than anything I've ever felt, but I'm fine now.

It's only been two weeks, two weeks of me not going to school. Two weeks of me sitting at my old, abandoned, cold house and just walking through everything, seeing the blood stains and the empty rooms will all the furniture my mom has taken.

I was allowed to skip school since I was already marked as an early grad who didn't need to learn the rest of the stuff.

I'm graduating today.

And I'll have to face Kingston.

I've gotten tests from him over and over. If you wanted to know some they mostly consisted of the following:

Kingshit: please comeback, I'll give you all the proof you want.
Kingshit: I'll show you
Kingshit: Goddamnit where are you, Baby?
Kingshit: I love you
Kingshit: You're coming back... right?
Kingshit: I can't have that be the last time you see me, Darling.
Kingshit: please
Kingshit: I know I'll see you again we belong together
Kingshit: God everybody is asking me questions and shit, you were all I had left, Summer. I'm living with River until early graduation and I'm hoping you'll comeback.
Kingshit: I know you don't want me to find you or else I would come swoop you up and make you happy
Kingshit: I know it now... I have proof
Kingshit: I have it! I have it... please!

And that's basically most of them.

He sent me that he had proof yesterday... but I don't know if I want to see it.

I liked having the idea that he loved me at first, and the I hated the idea that it was all fake, but now what if the proof he has shows he was in love then but not now.

What if I was too damn selfish.

I look at myself, the gown and cap I'm wearing.

"How did I make it here?" I whisper to myself.

"Yourself." I hear the familiar, small feminine voice say from behind me as she comes into view in the mirror.

"Miah..." I say slowly as she walks I got the dark room. She leans in and hugs me, "I'm so sorry hun." She mumbles and I nod.

"You're the only one who didn't know or do something completely stupid." I say with a chuckle and shake nods. "Kinda my strong suit, I just stay next to Reid and keep quiet." She says and I nod.

"You're coming to graduation with me right?" I ask and she nods, "of course honey, I wouldn't miss it and I couldn't miss Kingston's speech."


Not only is Kingston gonna be there but he's gonna give a speech on how he's going to the next best school of some crap.

I got into NYU... and so did he.

I'll see him walking around campus and I'll remember what he did. Every. Single. Time.

I take Mel's hand as she drags me to her car, a McDonald's bag sits on my seat, full of greasy food that I genuinely love.

I smile at her as she begins driving and I eat fries, occasionally handing her one. But I don't live far away from the school. Not far at all.

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