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Chapter 11 - Winter Break part 2

Friends always leave, no matter what. They could just leave or choose somebody else over you. All of them hurt, but not equally.

Maybe they move, not their fault so it doesn't hurt as bad. They don't willingly leave you.

But what hurts the worst is somebody picking somebody else over you. They found somebody else that they liked better. You weren't enough for them. And me? I'm never enough.

I exited the room, Lilah walking by my side as we don't have our next class together she leaves. Waving goodbye to my nicely as she goes to the commons down the Great Hall.

Me and Lilah haven't talked much since we were in our classes, but she kind of just sat next to me. Like she chose me over the others. It's a great feeling.

I move to the 200s branch, going to Mr Heiren's class again to hand in our projects. I finished mine the first day we got it, with the help of an actually pretty smart Kingston.

It's surprising....

That despite what everybody else says about how he never helps in projects, he helped me.

I get into the room and sit down, my head aching for a spectrum of reasons. Mr Heiren sits at his desk with his feet up, yawning. As people go into the room he coughs and stands up, "Sit next to your partners everybody."

boredom drip: from his voice and the pile of assignments he has to grade over the break. I look over for Kingston but don't find him in the crowd of people, he probably ditched the day we were supposed to turn in our project.

This is why I didn't give him the project.

How did he even know where I lived?

Did he see me running home?

Oh that sneaky bastard.

As soon as the conversation with myself ends Kingston opens the door quietly and walks in, waving to Mr Heiren to tell him he's late but here. He sees me and sits down with a smile.

He seems like he's battling with himself, his body tense as his leg bounces up and down next to me like the first time we sat together.

It continues to bounce and bounce, it's sound taking up my attention so I space out on the tapping of his foot on the gray-brown-red-blue carpet that most schools have. I finally can't take it anymore and I place my hand on his thigh and press down until it reaches the floor, looking at him shyly.

"Please stop, it's distracting." I whisper or more of a mumble and he scrunches up his nose and leans in before whispering To me.

"You know what is annoying? I can't get your pretty little face out of my head. Please tell me or I'll find out myself." He says and I blush.

"Please don't. You won't like the consequences. But you do you..." I say and he shakes his head and leans back on his chair, his leg bouncing up and down again like a trampoline.

I want him to....

Maybe I wanna be saved, just a little.
After a moment he sighs, "Do you know how many rules I have broken; how many consequences I have faced? I don't care about a stupid warning or a punch to the face."

I open my mouth to try and say something back, anything to tell him not to come back. Kingston is strong he could take down my dad easily, but he's popular, he would tell everyone that I was useless.

Maybe my dad will come back and we'll be a happy family again, that's all I dream about at this point.

But before I can speak Mr Heiren sends me a glare, and if looks could kill I would be six feet under. So I immediately stop and straighten myself, looking forward. Leaving my imagination to lead my mind on about what Kingston could do.

The Abandoned Lovers Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora