⚜️ 16 ⚜️

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David's gaze made me feel self conscious making me forget the reason I was nervous in the first place. I shifted my weight to the other leg  and felt the blush on my cheeks rise.
Looks like I had made Lucifer speechless.
I walked towards him and saw how dilated his pupils are. Damn he still hadn't said anything, was that meant to be a good thing?

" You look beautiful." David nodded in my direction before he turned around and walked out of the room. And I found myself in giggles. Oh David Faverly, you truly are something.

I finally got to marvel at the siting area as I walked towards the interior elevator. The interior designer of this place was surely spectacular . David was a lazy ass, rather a busy man. I knew he wouldn't spend time making sure his counter top matched with the bar stools. However and whatever, what mattered was how this spare apartment of David's was ten times better than my own, and he hardly lived here!
Talk about golden-spoon fed child!

I found David waiting with the elevator doors opened. He had a bored look on his face or was that annoyance? I couldn't tell. I walked faster and stood next to a pissed off David.
Who ruined his night? I wondered in the tensed elevator. None of us said anything and so I watched David's reflection on the elevator doors trying to figure what I must've done.

He looked sinfully handsome today. Not like he didn't everyday. But the stubble he had decided to grow gave him a dangerous yet appealing look. And with his jaw clenched, damn he looked drool worthy. Unfortunately, he caught me ogling and I awkwardly turned to look around the corners of the elevator.
Damn, Elise, way not subtle!

When the elevator finally opened, David didn't even bother waiting for me before he walked to an Audi. Thank the lords, we were out of that confined space. I watched the black machine roar to life but I still walked slowly towards the passenger side.
Was this the best way I could teach a man patience?Definitely!
Especially if said man was Lucifer. And he had to have a lesson on courtesy. That was no way you treat your date. Especially since I knew he treated all his other ex's like royalty. If all the parting gifts he gave were anything to be considered.

The car ride was another bore. It was sickly quiet! So silent that my breaths were echoing in my ear. Freaking hell, I wanted to switch the radio on but no ways was I taking a risk. I didn't want to touch things I didn't know how to operate. I was already feeling cautious sitting on the seat, what if I just scratched the leather with my nail?

Having enough of the silence I spoke,
" So since the world is speculating about us being a couple, is there anything I should be aware of?" I asked looking at his clenched jaw.
Why was he always stoic? Like that was he permanent expression. Or was it because expressions pained him? His facial muscles couldn't handle stretch? Now it made sense why he almost never smiled.

I must've looked at him for an eternity before he spoke.

" Yes. Don't over-talk, don't be super hyper..." David started and I rolled my eyes. There you go again, I must've heard the same speech a thousand times.

" ...smile and don't laugh like a hyena, eat with a fork and knife even if it's pizza on the plate. If there's any guy hitting on me, I shouldn't be harsh, just say let me call my boyfriend, why don't you talk to him?" I said cutting him off, "...anything I've missed?" I asked giving him a raised eyebrow.

David frowned and shook his head no. And we were back to the silence and back to the prominent nagging feel at the back of my head.
Oh Lord, why!

You were always one decision away from a completely different life. And the fucking silence reminded me that every time. I hated the silence. It was when the whispers got louder in my ear and my thoughts wondered to the deepest pits, making me think what would've happened if I just done something different. Would I have been sitting here in David's car and not his? Would the adrenaline coursing through my veins be of happiness and not nervousness?
Questions with no definite answers. Or rather, questions with answers depending on every unique individual.

I believe everything happens for a reason. Then why was this nervousness eating me up. Was it cause I was going to face my past? Or was it cause it had been four years since I saw them, or rather Him? I knew my decision was for the best. For me it seems, but I hadn't bothered to ask him his opinion. Would he still hold a grudge on me? Or would there be a smile on his face like the time he saw me for the first time?
Questions upon questions, with answers which I hoped to find tonight.
I hope I see you tonight Drew!


The first thing to fill the silence was the chaos the paparazzi were making. Camera, flashes and clicks enveloped us as David parked the car. Two Valets, one on my side and the other by David's, opened our doors. I breathed deeply before stepping out.
Big bulky bodyguards protected David and I as the cameramen went crazy.

David wrapped an arm around my waist and I was thankful for that. I held onto David's bicep as we walked. I tried to smile as best as I could. I had a bad experience with the paparazzi. Last time, I must've scrolled and that was the time a photographer snapped a photo. The picture got printed in the Daily times and I was horrified with how bad I looked. This time though, I wanted to make sure the mistake never repeated.

We walked to the top of the stairs when David wrapped his arm tighter around my waist.

" Elise, Forgive me for this." David whispered and I looked at him confused.

David smiled in my direction and I looked at him suspiciously, Lucifer only smiled before doing a devious act.
He pulled me close to himself. The grip on my waist tightened and was almost painful. David bent his head to mine and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. He sure was acting weird. I looked at his darkened eyes and my own widened as I felt his face approach mine.
What the hell is happening?
And my confused thoughts jumbled further as his perfect bow-shaped lips descended on mine.

The touch felt foreign. Surprise reflected in my eyes as his soft lips moved slowly against mine. His eyes reflected bliss and as he closed his eyes, I followed him. I felt the kiss deepen and warmth spread throughout my body. Starting from my lips, the heat travelled southwards rapidly. My hormones were going haywire making me moan at the intense feeling. What was happening and why was David kissing me? More than anything, why did it feel so good?

Ignoring the screams and flashes, I moved my palms to David's face and touched his artistic jaw.
Why did I wait so late to kiss Lucifer?
It felt amazing yet forbidden at the same time.
His scorching palm spread down my back to my hips and just when I couldn't breathe, he moved back.

Still in the aftershock of his kisses I didn't pay attention to anyone else but his darkened eyes. He bent his head to my ear and whispered,

" You didn't have any lipstick on" And those were his parting words before the paparazzis' screams finally got to me leaving me behind with a jaw slackened.
Wait, what did he just say?




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