Chapter Six: Summertime "You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want"

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Throughout the entire day Helena was thinking about how she would bring her friends into the room to meet Gerard. She was also still uncertain of what happened last night, since it felt as if she was in a dream the entire time. After waking up in her soft bed that she spent the night in she was greeted with Jenny's softly snoring body sleeping beside her bed. Then she heard a knock on the door that woke Jenny up and left a scared expression on her face.

 "Come in!" Helena called, and in strolled Raymond wearing light blue rollerskates.  Helena couldn't help but giggle when she saw him struggling to ride the skates. 

"What are you doing Raymond?" She asked holding back tears from laughing so hard.

 "Show Pony's teaching me how to ride these cursed things." He said falling each time he tried to walk.

 "Best of luck to you. " Jenny giggled. 

"Gee thanks. " He rolled his eyes as h grasped the wooden chair by the vanity to keep himself up.  

"Do you want some help? " Helena asked him, while walking towards him. 

"Please. " he said to her.

 She walked right up to the vanity and grabbed Raymond by the arms and pulled him into the dining room. 

 "Hello Halo! " She turned around and saw Johnny riding rollerblades perfectly.  

"How're are you doing that?" She asked him, astonished. 

 "I stayed up all night practicing with Show Pony. " He told her stopping his skates skillfully.

 "Hi there Halo!" Shouted Show Pony from the kitchen.

 "Hi Show Pony! " She yelled back. Then he came out of the kitchen holding two plates with a giant stack of pancakes on each of them. 

 "Oh my God, how're we going to eat all of that?" Jenny said coming out of the room wearing her violet nightgown. 

"Whatever you don't eat I'll finish it. " Raymond piped up slyly. They all burst out laughing and then they all sat at the table for breakfast.  The rest of the day passed away like it was a breeze and that night Helena made sure to stay up. Then she heard the chime of the clock saying that it was 1:00 am and that she finally could take her friends to meet Gerard since Show Pony always goes to bed at this hour. She got up and put on her black nightgown and proceeded to wake up Jenny. 

"Wh-what's going on? " The girl asked quietly.

 "Don't ask just come." Helena said grabbing Jenny's hand and pulling her up out of bed. The two girls walked down the moonlit hallway until they came upon Johnny and Raymond's room. They quietly walked into their room and Jenny woke up Johnny up while Helena woke up Raymond.

  "What the fuck man I was having a good dream. " Johnny complained pulling the sheets up over his head.  

"Get up you blond moron, and watch your fucking language. " Jenny said.

 "That literally makes no sense." He complained, jumping out of bed and putting on his black pants to cover up his boxers.  

"C'mon wake up Ray." Helena said since she knew that call him that would wake him up. 

 "What? " he asked her groggily.

 "Don't ask just get dressed. " She told him.

They both got up and got dressed; then the four of them walked into the piano room.  For a few minutes is it was quiet then they heard a voice say  "Hello. " and all of them except for Helena looked behind them in fear. 

"Hi Gerard. " Helena greeted the ghost.  

"Is this who I think it is?" Jenny asked in awe.

 "Yes I'm Gerard Way, pleased to meet you. " He said giving them a slight bow. 

" Wait are you a ghost? " Johnny gaped. 

"I am, yes." he said. 

"I knew it!" Johnny said with a giant smile on his face. 

Then Gerard began to slowly walk around the teens checking out what they were wearing with a sharp eye.

 "Tsk, tsk, tsk. I'll have to make some changes. " he mumbled. 

"To what?" Raymond asked. 

 "Your wardrobe. " The pale man whose eyes were lined with thick eyeliner told them, snapping his fingers. In an instant they looked different. Johnny and Raymond were wearing the same outfit that Gerard was wearing, Jenny was in a dress that resembled the black parade jacket only it was red and her copper hair was put into a long braid that trailed down her back. Helena was in the same outfit as Jenny only it was black and her dark brown hair was curled and trailed down her back, a blood red rose pinned just above her ear.  Then the piano began to play the black parade and a girl appeared for Johnny to dance with. 

"May I once again have this dance, dear Lady of Sorrows?" Gerard asked Helena, seductively whispering close to her ear.

 "Of course." she murmured, blushing and taking his hand as they began to dance.

(UPDATE: Sept. 2015-- I am no longer writing this with SpookyKid1, as this fanfic has been on hiatus for EVER. I am finally updating again and I hope to post something about every week. I hope that you guys like the new stuff! It will probably sound a lot different because so much time has past and I've learned a lot more about the band. Anyways, enjoy.)

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