Hello there.

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Hello there (: 

Are you sitting comfortable there? Behind your computer screen? Or maybe you're reading this on your phone, that's also possible.

My name is Kyran, something you probably know by now. I am 18 years old, my eyes are brown and so is my hair, though it tends to be a bit dark in some places because I tried dying it a few times. 

I work part-time in a tattoo shop. I really want to become a tattoo artist, because it's all I can see myself doing in the future really. 

I am in my last year of High School. When I graduate, the chance that I'll go to college is very small. My parents cannot afford it and I don't see a scholarship coming my way any time soon. Ofcourse this is upsetting at some times, when I realize that I'll have to work hard to get where I want to be. Things haven't been all that easy for me in the first place, but it is alright, because I know I will get there eventually.

I have been - like many of you reading this - depressed for quite a while. My depression was a result of the way I was treated by my parents since I was very young. I have talked about this in WDLHA a few times, but will not go into details. I simply don't like talking about these sorts of things.

I've moved out of my parents house a couple of weeks ago and now live with my best friend Alex. Yes, the same Alex that shares this account with me and Matt. He's the best roommate I could've wished for, as we like the same music and don't whine to each other too much. When neither of us have anything to do, we simply sit on the couch and watch series together. It's pretty chill.

Another one of my problems which I've been dealing with for years and am slowly trying to get better from, is social anxiety. Now, there are many people that think that they understand what anxiety means, but I think about 80% is wrong. When you're not suffering from any form of anxiety yourself, it is very hard to understand it. It's absolutely terrifying, that's all I can say about it.

I am not someone who will crack a joke easily. I'm a very shy person, even though I might appear very confident here on Wattpad, I remain a very insecure guy - even though I've grown more confident through the years. I can barely keep a conversation going, though I love to meet new people.

I have never had a favorite color and my music taste is extremely variated (if you are curious though, you can always ask me about it). My favorite food is pizza, even though that is very cliché and out of all animals I like panda bears best. I'm not sure why, they just look so fluffy.

Yet, I also have negative sides. I tend to drink a lot, which is a very bad thing. I can be extremely annoyed and my friends are usually the ones who suffer from this. I am very emotional. I don't just mean that I cry easily, I can also get very mad. I never get physical, but angry me isn't a very pleasant me. 

I have a stuffed animal donkey named Donkey. I thought that might also be fun to know. 

The reason I've written this seeminly very random chapter, is because the reason behind this book is to get to know you better. The people who have been reading my stuff for as long as it has been on Wattpad (which is 2012, holy shit), but who I don't all know.

So I would like to ask you to write a little something about yourself in the comments. I'll try and reply to all of you.

- Kyran

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