Blushy Blushy

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I woke up curled into Bill's side with his head rested on the top of my own while Stan was leaned up against me on the other side. Eddie was already up and changed. He shook his head as he looked at my situation.

"Eddie, are they asleep?" I asked, pointing up at the boys.

"They are knocked out. You'll be there for a while if you don't want to wake them up."  Eddie giggled.

"Richie is gonna have a heart attack if he wakes up at sees this." I whispered.

"He's already seen it. We put in bacm to the future and the three of you tapped out." Eddie shrugged.

"Well, can you help me out here?" I asked.

Eddie nodded before walking over and pushing Stan off of me so that he was just sitting up on the couch, still asleep. "That's as much as I'm gonna do. You have to get out of that yourself."

I sighed as I gently shook Bill awake. He blinked and stretched, but just got comfortable again. "Bill, wake up."

"Just a little while longer." He mumbled into my hair, and it seemed like he realized what was happening and he pulled his arms away from me. "(Y/n), I-I'm, so s-s-so-sorry."

"Bill, it's okay. I just needed to get up is all." I said, brushing his messy hair out if his face.

"O-okay." He nodded, a pink tint rising to his cheeks. "How's y-y-your hand?"

"I guess I forgot about it. It doesn't really hurt, I guess Dr. Kaspbrak knew what he was doing." I laughed as Bill took my wrapped hand in his own.

"I-I'm s-still s-s-sorry about t-that." He shrugged.

"It was an accident, Bill. I'll be fine." I said, raising my other hand to his cheek.

Eddie cleared his throat and gave us a disapproving look. My cheeks burned as I realized Eddie had just been standing there watching the whole time. I pushed myself into a sitting position before standing up and making my way into the kitchen.

"Good morning, honey. How was the sleepover?" My mom asked as she flipped some pancakes.

"It was pretty good." I nodded, pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

"That's good to hear. I saw you curled up on the couch with Bill and Stanley." She said, glancing over her shoulder and wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, we just fell asleep on each other I guess." I shrugged, not wanting her to get any ideas like Richie.

"Oh come on, with all the time you spend with these boys you don't have a crush on any of them? What about Eddie?" She asked as she turned and propped her hand on her hip.

"No mom, I don't have a crush on Eddie." I shook my head, not answering her first question.

"What about St-"

"No, I don't have a crush on Stan." I shook my head as my cheeks heated up. I'd had a crush on Stan when we were younger, but I pretended that I didn't and it eventually went away.

"Oh, I see," she nodded and went back to making breakfast.

"See what?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all. It's just, when I mentioned the boys in a group you didn't day anything. But, you said no to Eddie and Stan so that means-"

"G-good morning, Mrs. T." Bill waved as he came into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Billy." She said, ruffling his hair as he walked passed her. "Did you sleep well?"

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