Who You Gonna Call? The Losers!

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We pulled up our bikes around the back of the apartment building and saw Beverly toss her cigarette off the fire escape and rush down to me us. We all just stood there for a moment, waiting for her to explain what exactly happened.

"You made it. I..uh...I need to show you guys something." She said, playing with the key that hung around her neck.

"Is it more of what we saw at the quarry?" Richie laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Richie." I rolled my eyes, shoving him and he almost toppled over.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment." Bev mumbled.

"We'll leave a lookout," I said, "Richie, wait here."

"Wait! What if her dad comes back?" Richie asked, exasperated.

"Do what you do best," Stan sighed as we made out way up the fire escape, "Start talking."

"It is a gift!" Richie called as we went into Bev's apartment.

We snuck down the hallway, but Bev stopped cold. She stood frozen, staring at the door at the end of the hall.

"What is it?" Stan asked.

"You'll see." Bev nodded, slowly making her way down the hall with us close behind.

"Are you showing us your bathroom? I just want to let you know 89% of the worst accidents that happen at home are cause in the bathroom and...and...and that's where all the bad bacteria and fungi are. It's really not a sanitary place." Eddie rambled on about germs yet again.

Bill slowly opened the door, revealing a blood soaked bathroom.

"Oh God, I knew it!" Eddie gagged, turning away from the mess.

"You can see it?" Bev asked, her voice shaking.

"Yes." I nodded.

"What happened in here?" Stan asked.

"My dad couldn't see it, I thought I was crazy." She gently shook her head.

"If you're crazy, we're all crazy." Ben mumbled in awe.

"W-w-we can't leave it like this." Bill shook his head

I scrubbed at the bathtub while Stan stood in it, methodically cleaning off the window. I wrang out my sponge into the bucket and tried not to think about what happened last night. I went back to viciously scrubbing the tub, flashes of Bill's smile and Eddie's gunshot wound, and the blood pouring from Stan's lips.

"(Y/n)? Are you crying?" Someone's voice called me back to reality.

I reached up to my cheek and felt something damp. "Uh..."

"Are you okay?" Stan asked, crouching down in the tub, making sure not to get anything on his fresh clean clothes.

"Yeah, I think the bleach fumes are irritating my eyes a bit." I shrugged.

"Y-y-you can take a break if you w-wa-want." Bill said, resting his hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged him off of me, still a little upset that the real Bill never showed up last night after he said he would. Plus, we'd been together for hours now, and he's yet to explain himself. You really know how to pick them (y/n).

"I'm fine, let's just get this bathroom cleaned up."

"Are you sure?" Stan asked, wiping away my tears. He seemed really worried, but I couldn't tell him what's bothering me. I can't just tell him that I saw him, Bill, and Eddie mutilated in my bedroom last night.

Losers: Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now