Enough Clowning Around

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Even though Bill had stuttered, his voice was strong and authoritative, the two things we all looked up to Bill for being. He may have been scared shitless, but you wouldn't know it. His jaw was set and his eyes shot daggers into the clown only a few feet away, his fingers tightening around the handle of Mike's gun.

Even though now may not have been the place or time, my heart fluttered in my chest. Bill Denbrough, the boy I had (dare I say) loved, had come to my rescue yet again and I got the odd feeling that it may not be the last time. I took a deep breath, taking a step away from Bev and coming to stand at the end of the line that had formed in front of us, taking Bill's hand in mine and hoping it would keep my voice from shaking.

"I am (y/n) Tozier, twin sister of Richie Tozier, and a loser from head to toe. So, you and your buck teeth can fuck off somewhere, or you can tango with us." I said, just now realizing that my knives were nowhere to be found.

Where had they gone?

"Are you sure you big enough for this ride kid? It would be such a...shame," he giggled, "if something where to happen to you."

"Enough talking! Let's kick his ass!" Richie shouted.

"I-I-I've got this." Bill said, pulling his hand away from my own and stepping towards the clown, raising the gun as he went.

The clown...It did nothing but stand there, smiling down at Bill as if it knew something we didn't. He even let Bill press the barrel against his huge forehead. Something wasn't right...

"Kill it!"


"Kill it!"

"Just fucking kill it!"

Then, a heard a rushed whisper come from Mike.

"It's not loaded."

Then his voice came a little louder, "It isn't loaded!"

"Bill! The gun, it isn't loaded!" I shouted, my shrill cry echoing off the towering concrete ceiling.

But, he pulled the trigger anyway. Perhaps, just to make sure...or maybe it was just the last bit of him hoping that we could all make it out in one piece. On our own, there was no way we could take him on. I mean look at us against Henry and his goons. The rock war wasn't too good of a victory, we still got scuffed up and then we had weapons. Then again, we were just up against reagular highschool bullies then...

This almost feels like we're fighting to beat the devil.

And like the clown said, all of this is real.

And trust me, everything is a whole lot harder when it's for real.

The clown let out a hoarse cackle as black liquid flowed up towards the ceiling from the 'wound' Bill had left. My breath caught in my throat as a sudden dark though fell into my mind.

We're going to sit here, paralyzed with fear, while this fucker kills Bill. We'll be soaked in his blood and then we'll take off, leaving Bill down here and Silver out on the street, never looking back. This will be the last time we'll see Bill Denbrough.

"Bill look out!" Someone else shouted.

In his panic the only thing Bill could do as the clown rushed at him, rows upon rows of sharp teeth on display, was shove the gun into it's mouth. I was frozen. There was nothing I could do. My knives were gone and I had nothing else with me. I was useless.

That is until my feet seemed as though they had a mind of their own and quickly covered the space in between Bill and I. I slammed my dingy white sneaker into the clowns temple, only temporarily getting his attention away from Bill.

Losers: Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now