Chapter 4|Noah

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I slowed down as I reached Connor's garage. 

He peeked, squinting his eyes from where he stood and when he realized it was me, he looked surprised and horrified, and came rushing towards me.

"Oh baby. What has he done to you?" he stroked gently my car and inspected the damage. "Have you lost your mind? What did you do?"

Boy, he sounded mad. I pushed back my hair awkwardly. It physically hurt to see my car in this condition. I cherished it way too much and that damned bimbo crashed!

"It wasn't my fault. I wouldn't do anything like that. I had an accident. Someone else caused this." I was getting worked up again as I was thinking about it.

"Well then, that changes everything. Did you get the accident reported? Is their insurance paying for that?" he said still looking at the car.

 I paused in my tracks and scratched my neck.

"Noah?" he raised his sight to look at me, expecting to hear my answer.

"Well.." I put my hands in my pockets, looking a bit guilty.

"The fuck dude? Did you got all mushy again and let them go without paying?"

"Oh, hell no. She offered to pay, but I rejected."

"Ah, I see. I suspect it's because you started crapping money lately?" he said sarcastically, crossing his huge arms in front of me. He looked intimidating, so tall and buff, and that white T-shirt he had on, looked like it was gonna rip any moment now.

 He squinted, because sweat rolled down from his bald head into his eye, but he endured the burning, never breaking eye contact with me.

 I sighed defeated.

"It was Rachel Brody. She was the one that hit me."

"Fine, it's not like she has financial issues. Why did you reject it?"

"I'm not taking money from that bitch. She threw it at my face like it didn't mean a thing to her. I should have told her where she can shove them." I said gritting my teeth again as I relived it.

"Right. So I'm guessing you mastered the art of stripping, that's why you are beyond money all of a sudden?" he continued in the same tone.

 I chuckled a little and took my glasses off to wipe them in my shirt.

"Um, no."

"Well then, I suggest you start practicing, because one way or another you will have to come up with the money to pay for this. If stripping doesn't work, I hear there are some job opportunities in the gigolos department. You take your pick." He started walking towards the garage.

"Wait, is it really that much?" I asked, walking to catch up to him.

"What do you think? Do you see any Impala parts around here? I have to make an order and that thing costs you know! The only thing I can do for you, is replace that broken turn light and only because I don't want you getting a fine as well." He said and started ruffling things around the garage to find the tools he needed."So... Rachel Brody, huh? Was she looking good?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me playfully.

 I took my time to answer.

 Of course she looked good. She was hot, definitely a nine, if you considered her looks only. Fine tan legs, right sized breasts, long dirty blond hair and plump lips. 

Such a waste.

I shrugged a little.

"Couldn't tell. She started talking right away and her attitude washed everything away."

He inspected my face for a moment, searching for any sign that I was bullshitting him, and when he couldn't find a thing, he shrugged.

"Because it's you, I'll say that I believe you."

Even though he knows me too well, I have a mean poker face. 

If I don't want to, no one can see any emotions on my face. 

I've practiced the art of deception a long time ago. Now I am a master at it. I wasn't gonna let him see that I checked her out, a little too much. Hell, I didn't even want to admit that to myself, either. Truth is though, I did but I'm blaming it in the vulnerability of the moment.

"Was she alone?"

"Nah, her minion was with her. She looked in shock." I smirked.

"You know, word on the street is, she is with Peter Zackary. This week at least." He looked intrigued. I can't understand this man, seriously.

"What, you learned that at your appointment for a mani-pedi?" I said sarcastically. Which man at his right mind gossips that much?

"I own a garage shop, you bonehead. People come in and talk. I tend to listen." he spoke without even looking at me while working on my car to get that light fixed.

"Yeah, but who cares? She has a different boy toy every week. You know that, everybody knows that, even her boy toys know that. I bet they are counting their days, before she gets bored and dumps them." I scrolled through Facebook in my phone to pass the time. 

Spring break is almost over and the fraternities are planning their come-back parties posting invitations on the campus's page at Facebook. Great. Another round of drunk students throwing up in every corner of the campus, forgetting everything but their memories.

"Jealous you're not one of them?" smirking at me he looked up, and I shot him a death glare.

I scoffed and shrugged my shoulders.

"If I wanted a plastic doll, I could've bought one. Maybe you are jealous, though. You sound like it."

"Hell yeah, I'm jealous. I could've ridden that thing real hard." He sucked his bottom lip and I laughed out loud throwing my head back.

"Do you have a hard on? Do you need me to leave the room, so you can get off?" I teased him. He stood up wiping his dirty hands on his jeans looking amused.

"No need for that. Thank you for the offer. You are good for now. She looks horrible but you can manage, until you find the money to fix her." He patted gently the hood of my car.

I fist bumped him and opened the door to get in.

"Heading downtown?"

"Yeah, I have to apply for some internships. You never know, maybe I'll find one with pay. Hey, I may go by the sex store to buy you one of those inflatable sex dolls. Then you can have your own Rachel. Sounds good?"

"Ooh, you are a mean one. So many hateful comments. I'm sad I wasn't there to see what you said to her face."

As I put my key in the ignition, I thought about what he said. Everything I said to her didn't seem to affect her at all, and that was bothering me. It's like it went from one ear, right out the other. Maybe next time, I will try a little harder.

Next time? The fuck! I don't want to talk to her ever again. Where the hell did that come from?

"Believe me, her brain is so empty I bet she didn't understand half of it" he laughed with my response and I started the car right away.

Cover by beatlesxmaniac

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