Chapter 48| Noah

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"You know what? I don't wanna know."

"No, Rach! Please, don't go." I stand up and swallow hard. I didn't expect to see her and now I'm panicking she's gonna leave. I need her to stay. I need to make this better. It's not optional anymore, it's a necessity. Like breathing, and I've spend a lot of hours these few days underwater. I need to breathe again. And she's the only one that can make that happen.

"Why? So you can lay your cheap excuses on me hoping I'll believe you? Yeah, I don't think so." She spits aggressively but I don't back down. I'm quick on my feet and reach her in no time.

"They are not excuses. I didn't do anything with that girl. I would never. I was waiting for you. Can't you acknowledge the fact that you had me waiting for over half an hour and still I didn't leave?" I'm looking straight in her eyes, silently pleading she will believe me this time. Felt dumb to keep apologizing for something I didn't do but still. The things you do for love..

God, I didn't just think that!

I wanna slap myself for quoting Jamie Lannister. She scrunches her nose and I know she's thinking what I said.

"Look, I don't need to fool around with any other girl. I just want you! No one can compare with you anyway." I take a deep breath and stop for a moment to see her reaction. She's looking at me suspiciously but at least she is listening.

"Go on." She urges me to continue.

"You know I can make a list for all the things I hate about you.."

"Great, I'm going." She interrupts me filled with irony.

"But they are a million things more that I love. You know you have five different smiles? You have a friendly smile, a sneaky, a cheeky one, a naughty and ,my favorite, childlike pure one. You are the perfect combination of saint and sexy, funny if you think about it since you don't look innocent at all. You are smart and witty and funny. It's inevitable for someone to know you and not fall in love with you, believe me, I've tried. But I'm drown to you ,so help me God, like a magnet!" I pause and take a good look at her before continuing. She tries to keep her cool but I know the signs in her face. Her walls are a minute away from crushing down.

"You tried so hard to wore me down when we met. You had to fight every step of the way. Well, this is my turn. I'll do whatever it takes for you to forgive me cause I'm the luckiest son of a bitch on earth to have you." I sign relieved leaving a huge weight leaving my shoulders. I've never felt so vulnerable, laying all my cards down on the table. I hear her sniff and raise my sight.

"You got all softy on me Cooper?" She smiles and I can finally breathe. I move closer to her slowly and place my hands on her waist.

The moment she touches me electricity runs through my veins.

"You're worth it." I say as I pull her closer, resting my chin on her head, breathing in her familiar scent. She nuzzles her head on the crook of my neck feeling her smile on my skin. She places a small kiss before raising her sight. I take my time to look at her. She looks younger and happy right now, her grey eyes sparkling. I stroke her cheek with my thumb and she leans into my touch closing her eyes delighted. I cup her face and lower my head to her.

"I'm sorry," she whispers and I shake my head. "For thinking the worst of you and for yesterday..."

"Hey, don't. It's already forgotten." I whisper back never leaving her eyes. She gives a small smile and the only thing I want to do now, is kiss her.

The moment our lips touch everything around disappeared. I get lost in her taste, in the shape of her lips,in the heat of the moment. She granted access and when our tongues met I swear I heard the fireworks going off in my head. I wanted to freeze time so this moment could never end.

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