Chapter 39| Noah

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I'm currently lying down on her massive bed as she is sitting opposite me, wearing only a light blue oversized T-shirt. i'm gently stroking her exposed thighs and can't help the adoration my eyes are definitely showing at the moment.

She looks , well besides freshly fucked, so damn beautiful and so tired at the same time. She does her best to keep her eyes open as we talk about random stuff, my stomach hurting from all the laughing, but it's really late and she can't keep up this pace.

"I think you need to sleep." I say gently pushing her hair back and she pouts instantly.

"No, i don't wanna." she whines like a little girl.

I sit up to face her.

"Baby, you're tired." the moment she hears me, a smile appears on her lips. "You need a good night's sleep. This is the second night in a row you're up so late."

"Mm.. i love it when you're calling me baby." she coos and kisses my lips gently. "This is all on you. I can't seem to keep my hands off of you." she whispers seductively on the corner of my mouth and I smirk.

Likewise baby..

"Not my fault you're a sex addict." I say playfully, teasing with my fingers the hem of her T-shirt, feeling the goosebumps on her body as I do so.

"Oh, and you're not? I don't recall you minding at all. Plus you're the one who jumped on me half the times " she says smiling and I close my eyes for a moment accepting defeat.

"Touche. Now, get some sleep." Kissing her forehead I get up from the bed.

"Wait! you're going?" she seems surprised and a bit disappointed. I crook my head to the side looking at her as I hold my shirt in hand.

"We both need to rest. And if I stay we'll do anything but that." I sigh trying to knock some sense into her, while buttoning up my shirt. He climbs out of bed and stands before me, and I swear it's like I can actually hear her purr.

"I don't see the harm in that." She says while opening my shirt. I stop myself from whimpering like a wounded animal as I hold her hands in mine. God, I'm melting here! It's fair to say that she's playing me like a violin and I'm totally whipped.

Man up, dickhead!

"Rach, I'm trying really hard here. Don't make it harder than it already is."

"Please, Noah...." Oh, Lord have mercy. I can't resist to her begging and her touch as her hands found their way under my shirt.

"You're messing up my head. What are you doing to me?" I hook my arms behind her waist and lightly kiss her nose.

"I could say the same to you." She says breathless and stands on her toes to kiss me gently. "So, is that a yes?" She looks at me through her thick eyelashes while biting her bottom lip.

"It's not like I had a choice in the first place." She hops in place grinning widely. "But, we're gonna sleep."
She raises her brow about to talk but I stop her. "Nah-huh smart mouth. Just sleep or I'm leaving right now." I keep my poker face on try to sound firm but I'm mostly laying down the rules for myself as well as my little guy is up and eager to please once again. Must be a personal best. And it's worth noted.

"Fine." She groans annoyed and drags me to her bed. I take off my shirt and lay down next to her. She crawls to me and spreads her leg over mine, her head in my chest as I lightly brush her hair. It would be easier if she weren't half naked touching me all over. The only thing I can think of is fucking her again.


"Hey can I ask you a question? It's about work." She chuckles a bit.

"Wasn't expecting that but ok." Me either but I'm trying hard to stop thinking how I would like to fuck you again.

I clear my throat loudly and continue.

"I was checking your dad's bank transactions today and he transferred a lot of money on an account for business purposes."

She squirms and raises her head supporting it on her elbow and looks at me.

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, it's the second time he does that in a few weeks at the same account and I wonder if he does that a lot?" I watch carefully the words I'm using cause I don't want her to get mad. I'm just wondering if it's a thing he does so I can set my mind at ease.

"Um, yeah. It's kind of his job description. I thought you were good at this. Danny brags all the time about how good you are and how he should get all the credits for discovering you. Now, I'm starting to question him." She says playfully and I smile at her.

"I know that's what he does but the money came from his personal account. Not the business's." I say slowly and she stays quite for a moment.

"Are you sure?" She says eventually but the humour is all lost on her. She looks serious and deep in thought. See, I knew it was weird.

"Pretty sure. So I'm guessing he doesn't do that often?"

"No, he doesn't. He is a serious control freak when it comes to his account. He never uses it for business. It's only for his personal needs. Whatever he wants to buy or sale it's always, always on the company's account."

"Maybe he made a mistake?" I suddenly feel like I have to comfort her. I think, unintentionally, I upset her.

"Yeah, maybe." She says scratching her chin looking distracted. "Does Danny know about this?" She asks and her grey eyes are clouded and I know that she's worried.

"I was gonna tell him tomorrow. I didn't get a chance today."

"Do you mind if I come check it myself before you say anything to him?"

I scoff amused as I look at her.

"Are you asking me if you can come to check your company's paperwork? Really?" I say smiling trying hard to lighten the mood. I didn't think it would affect her this much. But I should've known better.
She gives me a small smile as she lays her head down to my chest again..

"I didn't want to step on your toes and God knows, you have a temper when it comes to me. You could easily turn this into a fight."

"I don't have a temper." I say defensively and she looks at me in disbelief. "I don't!" I say again and she chuckles.

"Uh-huh" she says sarcastically.

"Seriously. It's you that make me crazy. I was just a normal, concentrated guy and then you came along and I'm all over the place! I've lost control of myself and my thoughts. Everything is dominated by you and it's driving me mad. It's the first time in my life I'm feeling this way."
She stares at me for a moment and I can't really tell what she is thinking, as I'm mentally cursing myself for my little outburst. It's too late to back down now. I'm cupping her face and take a long breath. "I'm crazy about you."

She is taken aback from my statement and looks at me without saying a word.

Nice going, Cooper!

"You mean that?"

"Hate to admit it but yeah." I keep my eyes on her, as I need her to see I mean every word. No reason to fight it anymore, I can't pretend that nothing is happening when everything in me says I'm falling for her. This constant internal argument is exhausting. I'm too tired to do that now.

She smiles sweetly at me and comes closer.

"Well, that makes two of us."

A/N: Heloo-dee-loo!! Sup beautiful people?? Hope you enjoyed some A' class romance I prepared for you!!😂 Anyway, apparently my muse is working again so this chapter just flew through my fingers in no time!! I thought it looks good but I'm dying to know what you are thinking!! So please blow up my notifications with your comments. I would really appreciate it.💕💕
Just a heads up, it might be a while to see those two in so intimate moments again cause shit is about to go down in the next few chapters!!!
Anyway thanks again for reading and if you liked it please press the little star below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ to make me smile.
Stay safe everyone!!

Chasing the nerd ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon