Chapter 45| Noah

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I don't remember driving so fast before. If I wanna be honest flying is the right word, that's what I did. The wheels were barely touching the ground and I know how fucked up that was but I didn't stop. I needed to get to that fucking frat party in no time.

I'm boiling with anger. I'm so fucking mad at her. Is this the way she copes with her problems? Getting drunk and doing the first guy that crosses her path?

I growl frustrated and grab the wheel with force until my knuckles turn white.

So fucking mad! 

The way that guy touched her in the video trying to cop a feel without her even minding, woke up the beast within me.

I'm not a particularly violent person but right know I'm raging. Mostly because I let my walls down. I let her in and I fell for her. And now I'm paying for that.

How could she possibly think I'm behind this thing with her dad? I mean I made it pretty clear that I didn't like her, or her lifestyle, but not to the point to destroy her father's work! I've never even met the man for crying out loud and I work there! What would be the point?

She's full of herself!

That she is. But I somehow understand. I would probably think the same thing if I were in her shoes. It's not like my first impression to her was that good. I came off as bitter nerd. That seems so long ago, even though it's not that long. But ever since then I changed. How can she not see that?

I park right in front of the frat house she is currently at, pissed beyond reason.

I get out and make my way inside the house scanning the place in case I see her.

I'm almost inside when Mark sees me and comes to me.

"Dude.." he says and grabs my shoulders but i brush his hands off.

"Where is she?" I growl furious and he takes a step back frowning his brows.

"Um.. inside, still dancing. Look, she's pretty drunk, honestly I don't know how she is still conscious. Go easy on her." Yeah, right. I'm thinking bitterly and a mean laugh escapes my lips as I'm moving inside looking around to find her.

And when I do, I feel weak. Like someone just kicking me really hard and I have trouble breathing. However, I don't let it show. I move straight to her direction grabbing the guy she is almost grinding on, from the collar of his shirt, pushing him away from her. He is stumbling a bit and curses me annoyed but he doesn't push it. Cause honestly I would have smashed his stupid face if he made a move. 

She hasn't noticed I'm standing behind her so I grab her arm and spin her around to face me. She is looking so fucking drunk I can't help to shake my head disappointed. She has her eyes closed and moves along with the music, a mellow smile plastered on her face looking high. I'm waiting patiently for her to look at me and when she does, her smile vanishes and her eyes are looking cold.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yell at her, partly because I want her to hear me over the loud music, but mostly because I'm mad!

"Get your hands off me!" Pulling her hand off my grip she screams back at me. I'm fuming and I don't know how to react.

"Rachel pull yourself together! Is this really the best way to handle stuff? Dance-fucking random dudes?" It's not just yelling anymore, it's growling, letting the wild beast inside me to take the wheel.

"That's none of your business. It's my fucking life! And if I choose to, I'll dance-fuck the whole campus, so back the hell off! Why don't you go and find the next girl in line and ruin her life, like you did with me!" That felt like a slap in the face. She still thinks I'm the reason behind all of this, and to hear her say that to my face it's hurting me. Especially now that I know she's drunk and unfiltered.

"Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?" She doesn't seem to be affected from what I'm saying. "Rachel, please. I have nothing to do with all of this, you have to believe me." And I'm begging. Funny how things turned out.

"Yeah, try to find someone you cares about what you're saying cause I'm not. Now stay the hell away from me!" She turns her back to me but I'm not done. I grab her and bring her to me and though the loud room I still heard her gasp.

I lock eyes with her staying silent for a moment and the air swifts around us. Her eyes are looking a little less cold and distant right now as she is looking back at mine, her lips in a straight line. I wanna bring her lips to mine and kiss her so badly. I've missed her so much, it's killing me.

I cup her face with my hands and lower my head to her, never breaking our eye contact.

"I swear, it's not my doing. I'd never do something like that to you. Never. What do I need to say for you to believe me?" My tone is softer. I don't growl anymore. My heart beats are raising and I'm literally hanging by her lips. I can see her thinking what I'm saying and that sparks my hope. But after a moment she shakes her head and moves away from me, looking mad again.

"No! I don't believe you. You just saying that cause you know I'm in love with you and will fall for anything you'll say!" Her eyes are wide open and closes her mouth surprised with what she said. The tiny spark of hope is now burning a little bigger than before.

"And you think I'm not? Why else would I be here, watching you acting out if I wasn't in love with you? Or you have a ridiculous reason for that too?" I say frustrated throwing my hands in the air. Her lips are parted as she listens to me and looks even more surprised than before. Please, please believe me!

"I got to hand it to you Cooper, you're quite the manipulator. Knowing exactly what to say to have things your way. Too bad you're full of shit." She says eventually and it's like an ocean was thrown in that tiny fire that was burning inside me and crushed it over. 

"You're impossible! I just told you that I love you and you still think I'm some kind of an evil mastermind! How stubborn are you? Try to clear your head and come find me. Cause I'm not leaving this place until we figure this out! I'll be outside." Shaking a bit, trying not to show it, I turn my back at her and march outside and I'm praying silently she'll come to her senses and we'll put this thing behind us soon enough.

A/N: i know, i know.. I'm late! But guys, cut me some slack!
Noah is hurting really bad here and he's not that talkative as one would hoped for.
I had to pull the words out of him. And honestly it's not my finest work but it's enough to move forward.
Looking forward to your reactions. Don't be shy, all comments are acceptable. No hard feelings here!!
As always don't forget to vote⬇️⬇️⬇️ so I can sleep peacefully tonight knowing I didn't let you down!!
Lots of love,

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