Chapter 46| Noah

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I'm waiting for half an hour and I'm starting to feel stupid.

Five more minutes..

A tiny voice inside me pleads me and I grit my teeth together. Ok, five minutes but after that I'm done. Because she's clearly not coming and I'm just a pathetic loser.

I tap my feet to the ground nervously and I turn to look at the front door again. My neck hurts from all the times I looked that way the last 30 minutes and though lots of people have entered and left the house, none of them was her.


I can't believe she is pushing it. What more do have to do to convince her? I'm still here, aren't I? Stupidly waiting for her when she's just probably making out with some random douchebag out of spite.

No,no,no. Don't you go there!

I growl irritated once more and check the door again taking deep breaths to ease my anger. Not working though, I must say.

Out of nowhere a red cup comes into my view and I raise my sight confused.

"I think you need this." A brunette girl is standing in front me smiling widely. I frown my brows still confused.  "Come on, take it. It's just beer.  I'm not not trying to rufy you, I promise." She raises her hand and draws an invisible cross over her heart. "See? Cross my heart." And urges me to the cup. I take it even though i still have my reservations. I smell it discreetly, just in case and I take a sip. Yikes, beer. God I hate it.

"Not a fan of beer I see?" She says again and sits next to me on the bench. I swallow hard and scratch my nose.

"Not really, no." 

"Well, suck it up. It's the best you'll find here and you clearly need a drink. I'm Abby by the way." She stretches her hand to me and I shake it.


"Oh, I know." The confusion is back in my face as I'm looking at her. "When you make a scene at a frat party everyone learns who you are. Especially when you make a scene involving the royalty, the queen herself, Rachel Brody." She explains and the irony in her voice is clear. I growl loudly and drop my face. Way to go dumbass. 

"That's just great." I say bitterly and take a sip from my cup.

"How are you involved with her anyway? You don't seem like the kind of guys she has running around her all the time." I raise my brows questionably.

"How do you mean?"

"Well you know, the jocks with the buff body and no brain at all?" She says and I laugh wholehearted. She's not wrong, though. "Seriously now, what's the deal?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'm nosy. Plus I think it will help you if you talk about it cause honestly you look like shit, no offense." I laugh again out loud. This girl is funny and completely honest. I like that.

"Ok, if you must know she girlfriend." I say shifting uncomfortably in my sit cause I don't know if the term still stands.

"Come on, quit playing." She says snorting and bumps my shoulder. I lock eyes with her trying to look dead serious.

"I'm not." Now, she is the one that seems confused. She keeps looking at me expecting to tell her I'm messing with her. When she realizes that's not gonna happen her lips form a small o.

"For real?" I nod my head and her eyes widen. "Wow. You know she is a maneater right? She is like a female player. Are you sure you're not imagining stuff?" I laugh again and look at her grinning.

"I like your sense of humor." she smiles back at me raising her cup and we drink. 

"I know, I'm a.." she leaves her phrase standing as she is looking something at the background surprised. "Crap!" She says eventually and I turn to see what brought that on.

My stomach is sinking immediately when I see Rachel standing a few feet away from us, arms crossed, lips in a straight line fuming as hell.

Oh no,no,no,no. It's not what it looks like!!

I'm looking at her and I stand up go there to explain as this might be looking so confusing and it's definitely going to make things worse. 

She sends a death glare my way, her eyes looking like glass daggers, and storms off.


I run after her and I grab her hand as she is about to go in her car.


"Get your hands off me!" She screams and pulls away. When I get a close look at her I see her eyes are red and her lip is trembling. I feel a sting of guilt as I caused that.

"Please, listen to me. It's not.."

"What it looks like?" She says sarcastically and laughs bitterly as I frown my brows. Well done Noah! "Stay the fuck away from me." She turns her back and is about to go in her car. I instantly grab her again.

"Leave.. me… alone!" She screams smacking my chest trying to get away. 

"Not until you listen to me! I was just talking. I did nothing wrong. I wouldn't do anything like that, ever! Look at me! I love you! You! That's it!" I yell at her trying hard to hold her in place so she would listen. That woman is gonna drive me insane. So fucking stubborn.

"Let. Me. Go." She says through gritted teeth and looks at me with teary eyes, the anger in them visibly from a mile away. I can feel my heart breaking. I caused this and it's killing me to see her like that. I let her go and she gets in her car slamming the door with force.

"Please don't drive like this." I plead. She is drunk, she's upset. Worse mental state ever to be driving.

"Stay the fuck away from me." She yells back and drives off speeding.

Fuck. Me.

A/N: I'm so, so, so, so sorry for delaying this!! It's unacceptable I know but I was away for family vacations and I have so much thongs going on I has literally no time to write. Still I dis the best I could. It's really hard to be in Noah's shoes right now and it's breaking my heart to see them both suffering.💔💔💔 I'll try to write the next one today and maybe tomorrow if you're lucky you'll be able to read it!!
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