In Which There's a Shot

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9- In Which There's a Shot

Pan bit her bottom lip to stop herself from whimpering as she gently cleaned the wound on her leg. Over the last few days that her and Trunks had been with the younger versions of their parents and Yamcha, it had grown from bad, to worse. Around the cut was a deep, dark red, almost turning black. The cut itself was yellow and filled with puss.

Once she was done she leaned against the shower wall and panted as the water ran over her. She knew the cut was bad, there was no denying it. It wasn't healing and she didn't understand why but she couldn't go to the hospital. For starters, just what would her and Trunks say? There was no records of them in this timeline yet, it could get them into big trouble! Secondly, the thought of going to the doctor made her queasy...

Pan let out a long sigh. She just had to keep telling herself that she was okay. If she didn't think the cut was bad then it wouldn't be. Perhaps she could just will herself healthy, others had done that before, right?

Sadly, Pan knew she couldn't stay in the shower forever and slowly she got out. She dried herself off and made sure to wrap her leg up before getting dressed. Even though all Bulma had for her to wear were shorts, Pan felt relieved that she could at least cover her leg up with a bandage.

Limping, Pan walked to the door before taking a deep breath. She had to put on a tough front now. She opened the door and forced herself to walk normally as she entered the room her and Trunks had been sharing.

Trunks glanced up from his spot laying on the bed. "Hey," he greeted. His eyes instantly went to her leg. "How is it?"

"It's a lot better," Pan lied with a small smile. She couldn't worry him and so she would put on a brave face.

She saw him relax and her stomach churned in guilt. He smiled at her, his blue eyes bright. "I overheard my mom and Yamcha talking earlier. A Dragon Ball is nearby."

"Really?" Pan felt her eyes widened in excitement.

"Yeah," Trunks nodded. "But I don't think they'll take us to it," he furrowed his brows.

"So what will happen?" Pan asked as she sat on the bed beside him.

"One of them will probably be sent to distract us or something while the other two go and find the Dragon Ball," Trunks mused thoughtfully.

Pan let out a long sigh. "What's going to happen if we're still here when the call Shenron?"

"I doubt we will be," Trunks said confidently. "For starters, I don't think they'd call Shenron in front of us, unless they grow to really trust us. Secondly, I know it felt like we were on Vegeta-Sei for a long time, but we really weren't. We were there less than a month so I think we'll time jump before they find the other Dragon Balls."

Pan wanted to ask him where he thought they would jump to next, but she didn't have time. There was a small knock on the door before it opened and Goku popped his head through the crack.

"Hey you two!" He greeted. "About ready?"

"Yeah," Trunks told him with a smile.

"Great!" Goku grinned. "Well wait for you outside."

Once the door was shut, Trunks met Pan's eyes and he smiled. "Ready Pan?"

Pan felt herself frowning. Over the last several days Trunks had been calling her Pan. If he had done that several months ago before their trip through time, she would have been over joyed, but now... It made her stomach feel uneasy. Had she done something to aggravate him or upset him? It was strange how much she missed him calling her Panny when she had once detested it. It used to make her feel childish; now it just made her feel safe because he was the only one with her during this time-travel mess... But he wasn't calling her that anymore.

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