In Which They're Dating

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Chapter 18- In Which They're Dating

"-She's my girlfriend."

Pan knitted her eyebrows together before she opened her eyes. She gasped at the sight in front of her- little Trunks and little Goten! She looked over to her side and was thankful that Trunks was still there but he looked... troubled.

"Panny," Trunks began.

"Panny?!" Little Trunks' eyes widened. "Wait a minute, are you saying this is-"

"This is Pan," Trunks confirmed with a nod. "She's older."

"Pan as in my baby sister Pan?" Little Goten raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know any other Pan's?" Little Trunks sighed at him.

"No... but wait! She's your girlfriend?!"

Pan gasped as her cheeks grew hot. Her eyes found Trunks' who's eyes widened. "Young me said it, not me," he told her.

"Well, you two were all cuddled up together," Little Trunks muttered. "I just figured."

Trunks let out a sigh and stood up before he reached down and grabbed Pan's hands to help her up. "Just bring us to Mom," he told Little Trunks.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Pan whispered.

"We've already been caught," he told her as he side-eyed his younger self and Goten. "Plus, I remember this," he sighed.

"You remember?!" Pan's eyes widened. "Trunks! Why haven't you told me that we would end up in this time like this?"

"Honestly, I can't remember much about this, and, before this time-traveling mess, if I had told you, 'hey Panny, guess what? When I was ten, you and I came from the future and stayed a week', you wouldn't have believed me. Also, when we did start this mess, I didn't know if we would end up here still or not so I just didn't say anything," he said.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating?" Little Trunks raised a brow.

"We-" Pan stopped herself as her cheeks grew hotter. Truthfully, she wasn't sure.

"Come on, Panny," Trunks reached down and grabbed her hand before he steered her away from Little Trunks and Little Goten. "We're most likely in the woods behind Brief Manor. We're not far."

"Hey!" Little Goten ran up to them, Little Trunks wasn't that far behind. "So how old are you two? 'Cause you look a lot older. Are you an old lady now, Panny?"

"I'm not an old lady!" Pan huffed at Goten. "I'm only eighteen!" She was going to kick Goten once she got to her own time. How dare he call her an old lady, or even think she was one!

"So, if you're eighteen," Little Trunks began as he looked at Pan and then at Trunks. "Then you're..."

"Twenty-four," Trunks said.

"Wow, you're old," Little Goten said.

Pan bit back a snort and Trunks glared at her. "Old Lady," he reminded her.

"I'm kicking Goten when I see him," she muttered.

"Me too," he huffed.

The house came into view as they exited the woods. Pan glanced around the spacious backyard, taking in the new playhouses that were set up. She smiled fondly as she remembered playing on those with Bulla. In their present time, the playhouses had been removed and replaced with an indoor skating rink for Bulla to enjoy since that was her favorite hobby.

"Mom!" Little Trunks yelled as he opened the back door. "Guess what Goten and I found?!"

"Trunks, it had best not be another stray kitten!" Pan could hear Bulma huff.

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