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"Your soulmate isShunshin no Shisui?" TenTen gasped.

Sakura giggled. "You should see who some of the others have as soulmates."

TenTen looked at the other two, curious. Sakura cackled.

"Hinata is going to give her family a heart attack. We're gonna practically be sisters."

Hinata attempted to hide behind Neji. Her former teammates gawked. "That would mean that her soulmate is Sasuke."

Sakura snorted, before her thoughts darkened, remembering what he had done to Shisui. "If that little shit gets anywhere near us, I'll let Hidan use him as an interrogation experiment."

Her old comrades were startled by her venom.

"That bastard tried to off me for keeping Itachi's existence from him. Shisui ended up taking a knife to the chest because he stepped in front of the knife."

They gaped at her. "Itachi is alive?" Kiba asked, just as TenTen yelled, "HE DID WHAT!!!"

Sakura's entourage looked over to see TenTen attempting to make for the door, Kiba and Neji holding her back as Sakura attempted to stop her rant.

"I'm going to gut the bastard and string him up by his guts by the gates to serve as a warning to anyone else that tries to KILL my friend! I'm gonna skin that bastard alive, one goddamn piece at a time, with a rusty butter knife."

Jaws dropped. Hidan looked like he was in love. Shikamaru cringed, remembering what Danzo had done to him, Deidara was laughing his ass off and Temari and Sai had similar smirks on their faces, no doubt thinking of joining TenTen.

"Holy shit! Where have you been hiding her, Sakura?" Hidan exclaimed.

Sakura snorted. "Here, obviously Hidan."

"Wait, so if Hinata would be somehow related to you, her soulmate is Itachi?" Shino asked.

Hinata looked ready to faint. TenTen suddenly forgot what she was going to do upon hearing this. She immediately wanted to know everything.

Around that point, Inoichi, Shikaku, and Chouza walked in and saw the crazy jumble that had formed.

"Sakura?" Inoichi called.

Sakura turned around and saw the man that she had always considered a surrogate father standing there, watching the mayhem unfold. "Inoichi! Sorry, TenTen just found out that Sasuke almost killed Shisui and Itachi is Hinata's soulmate."


"Yeah. It was a bad day," Sakura said, cringing.

Someone in the corner booth snorted, and upon looking at the area, Inoichi was surprised to see that many of the people in the corner were in the Bingo book. His eyebrows raised. Well, she certainly kept interesting company.

Someone must have noticed the look on his face, because they started laughing and invited he and his companions to join them. Tables were added to the corner booth to make room for the additional groups that had joined the Oto group.

Sakura smiled at Inoichi. "It's good to see you again, Inoichi."

"Wish we could say that about your daughter," Shikamaru muttered.

Inoichi immediately turned to the young shadow user, a look of dread on his face.

"Yeah. She tried to hit Sakura. Blamed her again, and then stormed off after we came to sit down."

Inoichi turned back to Sakura. "She tried to hit you?"

Sakura shrugged. "I'm used to it. I've been attacked a lot in the last couple years."

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