Battle Royale Part 1

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Genma could hardly believe it when he saw Obito and his cousins, alive and well in the capable hands of Sakura Haruno and her village.

But when she had further unveiled that not only did she have the three Uchiha's but his honorary sensei and the two other previous Hokage's he'd broken all kinds of shinobi bearing standards and shunshin'd to the surrogate father figure to give him a hug. It was just his luck that their reunion was cut short by those damn war mongering Cloud and Stone shinobi. He was gonna make them pay.

He watched as Sakura barked orders to everyone around her, including her fellow Kages. The woman was a force to be reckoned with.

"Where are you going Sakura?" Kakashi asked. Genma zoned in on the pink haired Kage. Yes, where was she planning on going.

"I'm gonna go ruin a few days. Be careful Kakashi. We aren't holding back today. I'd hate for you to get hit by a jutsu. Or a fist."

She gave the masked Kage a sharp grin that had him paling considerably.

What the hell is this girl and her village capable of? Genma thought.

"I'm going with you!" Genma shouted, just as she was getting ready to jump off the side of the tower.

Sakura cocked a brow but smiled. "Sure thing, Shiranui, but don't pee your pants at what you see."

She took off her Otokage robes and left them with her discarded hat on the roof before jumping off the side, two of her ANBU following her. Genma shot off after them.

Sakura and her two guards were making toward the eastern gate where the explosion had gone off, hopping across rooftops at an alarming speed. Even Genma, who had been part of Minato's guard when he was Hokage, had trouble keeping pace with the three foreign nin.

When they got to the gate, the chaos that Genma saw couldn't even be described. The various villages were all fighting in knots of brawling nin, Cloud shinobi taking on Mist and Sand shinobi with Stone shinobi by their sides.

But everywhere he looked, when a Sound nin joined a fight, an enemy fell.

They were whirlwinds of jutsu and metal projectiles on the battlefield, leaving no adversary standing in their wake.

Sakura paused on the wall surrounding Konoha, seemingly trying to figure out where she would best be utilized. All of the sudden she was jumping into the forest beyond, yelling behind her, "There's a second wave coming! We have to stop them or we'll be overrun!"

"Shit!" One of her ANBU shouted, before jumping after her, Genma and the other ANBU taking off after them.

About a three miles out, they reached a clearing and Sakura stopped, dropping to the ground and standing in the middle of the clearing, waiting for something.

That something became clear when several minutes later several Cloud and Stone shinobi came hurtling out of the tree line on the opposite side of the clearing toward the four of them.

Sakura waited until the first man was within arm's reach of her before reaching out and flicking him on the forehead.

He went flying back through the trees, breaking several along the way. When he landed he didn't get back up. Genma could only gape.

Before the other enemy nins could stop their charge, they were upon the pink haired Kage and she dealt with them quickly and efficiently. Within seconds she had snapped one's neck, thrown another through the trees, slammed one into the ground creating a sizeable crater, and literally ripped the last man in half, splattering blood all over the three men with her.

"Seriously Sakura?" One of the guys asked, flapping his arms trying to flick off some of the blood from his uniform.

"Shut up, Sasori, at least I didn't level several acres of forest this time," Sakura sniped back at the shorter of the ANBU.

Genma raised a brow. His surprise meter was broken after that little display. The fact that she had Akatsuki working for her didn't even sort of surprise him.

"Get your army ready, Puppet Boy. We have at least as many as were back in the village coming toward us right now. Haku, be ready to use your senbon and ice."

Genma perked up at hearing that the other ANBU was a senbon user.

"Hai, Sakura-sama."

Before anymore could be said, the army was upon them.

Genma pulled out his own senbon, as well as several kunai, and went to work. Just because he was the odd man out didn't mean that he would be useless.

With deadly accuracy he threw senbon, targeting jugulars, spinal cords, and eye sockets. When a senbon was out of the question, a kunai flew, hitting the mark each time. In his battle haze he just barely heard the order.

"Sasori, Haku, Genma, JUMP!!!"

Genma didn't give a damn what he was doing at the moment. The way Sakura had said it had told him that he needed to move. And fast. He pumped as much chakra as he could into his legs and fucking flew.

The ground below their feet exploded.

There was no other word for it. One minute the ground had been solid, the next it was churning in thousands of shards of rock, clods of dirt, and debris that he faintly recognized as pieces of tree after closer inspection. The ground was moving in waves from the epicenter of the explosion: Sakura.

He saw all of this as his body started to lose its upward momentum from his chakra infused jump, sending him careening back toward the destroyed earth.

As he landed he looked around to see that he and the three Oto shinobi were the only four standing. In the debris from the destruction she had brought on from her fist, Genma could see body parts sticking out at grotesque angles. He saw the spine of one shinobi that had been snapped in half, protruding from the ground several meters away. The forest for over two miles around them had been completely decimated, and in the wreckage, sticking up in the dirt, bloody femur bones snapped in half from the impact, or bodies completely torn apart could be seen.

Genma gaped. He had lied before. Now. Now his surprise meter was broken. Sakura Haruno was a powerhouse, and anyone that went against her had a serious death wish.

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