So yeah, sorry

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Sorry I've been off the grid for a while guys.  Turns out depression is more of a bitch than it usually is.  It caused writer's block like no other and I couldn't think of how to continue the story.  This is what I've gotten in the last couple months, was the last two chapters, so sorry bout that.

I AM still working on this fic.  It's just taking me longer to think of a way to finish it up.

As it is, there will probably be a few more chapters covering the whole Danzo situation, maybe a Kage summit, and then an epilogue where y'all get to see everyone a few years on.

I Hope you like where it ends up because honestly, I'm struggling, but I really do enjoy writing this and I have a few new fic ideas bouncing around in my brain so idk, maybe that will turn in to something.



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