Chapter 7

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                                                                            Chapter Seven

                                                                                  The Party

Michael slammed Eddie against the wall. Michael tightened his grip around Eddie's throat and punched him mercilessly in the mouth. "Please, Michael!" Eddie choked. "It's not what you think!"

Michael pushed his brother harder and readied for another strike. "I told you about our fight," Michael growled and punched Eddie in the ribs. "I told you I was going to leave!" Michael struck him again. "And you move in for the kill the very same night!"

Did he say he was... leaving? I stood unable to move for a moment, trying to understand why I felt like I had gotten the breath knocked out of me.

Eddie grappled helplessly at the hand around his throat. "It was a favor, Michael! Not an advance." Eddie choked out through his bloody lips and shut his eyes, waiting for another fist to the teeth. "Tell him, Sam, please!"

Eddie's pleading interrupted my analysis, and I grabbed Michael's arm before he could throw another shot. "Stop it!" I yelled. He let go of Eddie's throat and turned to me. The anger and hurt in his eyes was so strong I had to look away. "It's not what it looks like, Michael" I couldn't tell him the truth. I didn't want his sympathy. Besides, I couldn't get past the leaving part. "Are you really leaving?"

"What the hell do you care?" he bellowed.

"I don't!" I yelled back defensively. "There's no reason for you to leave...because I am." He staggered like he'd been pushed; there was such a storm of emotions on his face I didn't know whether to continue or run.

He looked from me to Eddie. "So...what is all this about?" He waved his hand back and forth between us.

"It's none of your business," I said stubbornly, instantly sorry when he pushed Eddie against the wall again.

"You have got two seconds, little brother. Tell me what the hell is going on here, or I'm going to break your fucking neck!" Michael roared.

"Sam, please!" Eddie begged. "Let me tell him!"

"There's nothing to tell," I said calmly and struggled to pull Michael away. "I decided after our meeting yesterday that I needed a change. I decided to put the house up for sale; I was going to tell you all of this Monday. I plan on staying long enough to help you get the clinic off the ground. Then, I'm leaving."

"What has that got to do with him staying here last night?" He ground out each word through clenched teeth.

"I was getting to that," I hedged. "I had a few things I needed some help with, so I called Eddie to see if he would mind coming by. It got late. He'd had a few too many, so I made him stay on the couch." I pointed to the wadded up quilt and pillow on the sofa.

"You're telling me... you needed a handyman... and you called Eddie?" Disbelief was apparent in his voice.

"Yep," I said quickly. "That's pretty much it."

"You're lying!" he roared. "Eddie barely knows the difference between a hammer and a screw driver! I show up here to find him standing at the door in nothing but his jeans, fresh out of the shower, and you look like you rolled out of bed. You know what? I don't care! You never cease to amaze me, Samantha," he said bitterly and looked at Eddie. "I'm done...with both of you!"

Eddie grabbed Michael's arm as he tried to walk out the door. "Nothing happened. Michael. I swear! I would never do that to you. You're my brother. I wouldn't sleep with her if she were the last woman on the planet! Just because you want her doesn't mean I do!"

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