Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Puzzle Complete

The longer I stared at her vacant expression, the more nervous I became. She was completely disconnected. I often heard my grandfather say, "The lights are on but nobody's home." I suddenly had a whole new appreciation for that adage! I couldn't help but notice the bleed through on the bandage across her upper arm. I guess one of the shots George fired that night in the garage hit its mark.

I started toward the door and Megan quickly stepped in front of me. "We need to get you back into bed," she said and placed her hand on my injured shoulder.

I turned and watched as Jake and Peter appeared out of nowhere. Surprised, I sucked in a sharp breath and grimaced with pain. My broken ribs felt like flaming swords slicing through my chest. "Run!" they whispered and faded away like ashes in the wind. I had to get out of here. My assailant had returned to finish the job.

I pushed her hand away. "I'm going to step out in the hall and say goodbye to Jack," I hedged.

Her plastic smile didn't waver as she returned her hand to my shoulder and squeezed until I yelped with pain. "Jack had another engagement; he's gone for the day. You look like you're in pain," she said flatly and twisted my shoulder until I fell to my knees. "We need to get you back in bed so you can have some pain medication," she said calmly and pulled a full syringe from her pocket as she dragged me to the bed. There was enough medication in that syringe to kill a horse. Hell, for all I knew it was strychnine. I fought her with every bit of energy I had left, but it was no use. I was too weak. When I refused to get in the bed, Megan punched me unmercifully in the ribs, and I was rendered helpless. I gasped for air and tried my best to hold onto consciousness as she hoisted me up onto the mattress.

"You're not going to pass out on me are you?" she asked with mock concern. "Doesn't look like you're going anywhere. I think the pain medication can wait while we talk for a bit," she said and sat on the bedside chair.

I knew if I was going to stay alert, I would have to keep my mind busy. The best way to do that would be to ask questions. If the crazy bitch wanted conversation, I'd give it to her. The excruciating pain in my ribs subsided enough for me to find my voice. "What did you do to Claudia?" I asked breathlessly.

Megan maintained her plastic expression. "I didn't do anything to Claudia, but poor little Billy had an accident at school first thing this morning."

I shut my eyes and tried to block out all the horrible scenarios flying through my mind. "What kind of psycho would hurt a child? He has nothing to do with this," I ground out.

Megan cocked her head oddly to the side, and I saw a brief flicker of emotion cross her face. She quickly regained her false smile. "Now, why would I hurt him? You're right, Samantha. He has nothing to do with this. Billy is fine. Claudia got a call from the school nurse this morning during report and rushed off to be by his side. Janie thought I'd be the perfect nurse for you. She had no idea how right she really was."

I rolled my eyes. "Remind me to thank her."

Megan's smile faltered once again. "Amazing how you can still find the humor in things while on your death bed. Guess that's one trait Jake found endearing. He spoke of your quick wit and charming personality right before I blew his brains all over the cab of his truck."

I swallowed hard and tried to block the image her words created. My nightmare had been grotesquely accurate. The only way I would be able to get out of this situation was if she was no longer in control. I had to crack her fragile façade; I had to make her lose control. Only I wasn't sure I'd be able to weather the storm. "Did Jake tell you why we were getting a divorce?"

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